Page 3 of Viper
Ihad no clue that when I went to find Viper that I would be walking into a trap. The tiny female with flaming pink hair had a plasma rifle to the head of one of my friends. Not only that, but it also didn’t appear that Viper could fight her off.
Worry and anger surged through my system. This tiny female had done something to my friend. Had messed with his processors some how and was now forcing him to take part in her plans. Plans that apparently involved burning my home to the ground along with all my family and friends. My mind raced to thoughts of my female and my son.
No one threatened my family and got away with it. My hands curled into fists as I mentally mapped how fast I could knock the gun from her hands before she pulled the trigger. A flicker of fear in Viper’s eyes halted those thoughts. I had to be careful. I couldn’t let the Military Model side of my processors take over and put Viper at risk.
Think with your processors, not your need to rip things apart, Military Model. You can do this. Brains not brawn. God, I wished I was Dax right now. He could do this. Did I just want to be Dax? Holy shit! Was that female fucking with my processors, too?
My fingers curled even tighter. “Did you do something to me, too? Get in my head somehow?”
Viper’s eyes widened at my accusation. My eyes sought his as I went to explain. “I just suddenly wished to be Dax.” Viper’s eyes flashed.
“Yeah. I know. It scared the fuck out of me, too.”
“What the hell is happening?” The female shouted, her eyes darting from Viper to me, a look of confusion flashing across her face. “Relax, Military Model.” She used her free hand to tap a finger against the side of her head. “This only works on one cyborg at a time.” She waved that hand over my frame. “If you wanted to be this Dax, I had nothing to do with that, I promise.” She huffed out a breath before her anger flared again, her eyes hardening. “All. I. Want. Is. Poe. Now stop stalling, Mr. Reaper, and tell me where the fuck my friend is!”
Poe. The female wanted Poe.Something clicked inside my circuits. Poe had mentioned a friend had helped her that day back at the cabin. She had refused to give me a name. I had completely forgotten about it with all that had happened after we brought Poe back to headquarters. We had nearly lost her and Dax, too. The well intended fool had planned to follow Poe into death.
“God damn it! That female has been nothing but trouble since she got here. I tried to tell Dax, but he wouldn’t listen.” I resisted the urge to snarl as I pinned the pink haired female with my gaze. My eyes roamed her frame. “You’re her, aren’t you? Her friend. The one who helped her find our headquarters.”
“She told you about…” The female’s words trailed off. “She wouldn’t have told you about me. Unless you did something to get her to talk.”
The female’s eyes grew glossy. “Fuck! Oh god, what have you done to her, you fucking bastard?” She pressed the barrel deeper into the side of Viper’s skull. His eyes pleaded with mine, another wave of fear sparking in his purple depths.
I blew out a breath, allowing the snarl to die on my lips.Processors not violence, Military Model.I lifted my hands in surrender. “Nothing! I swear I’ve done nothing to her. No one here has. She’s safe. I promise.”
My words made the plasma gun tremble in her grip. “But you said she was trouble.” Her hand grew steady on the gun once again. “And you knew aboutme.Poe wouldn’t betray me.”
I shook my head with cyborg speed. “She didn’t! Well, not really. She let the mention of you slip when Viper and I cornered her and Dax but that was it. I demanded she tell me more, but Poe refused!” I took a tiny step in her direction. “She refused to betray you, even when she was faced with me and my battle ax. That should tell you all you need to know, female.” I slowly inched my fingers towards my comm. “She can tell you herself if you would like. I can call her on my comm, and she can explain everything.”
Her blue eyes narrowed. “If this is a trick-”
I shook my head. “No trick. I swear. Please, let me call her. That’s what you wanted, right? Her here so you can make sure she is okay?” My gaze went to Viper, and I struggled with fighting the fluid that threatened to fill my eyes. “Poe is your friend, correct? Well, Viper is mine. I would never do anything that would cause him to be harmed. You want to make sure your friend is safe. So do I.”
She blew out a breath and I knew she was deciding on if she was going to trust me or not. She gave a quick nod of her head. “Do it.”
My fingers moved to the comm slowly, allowing her to watch my every movement. I tapped the button on my collar. “Poe, this is Reaper. I need you to come to the security room, please.”
“Wait! Why?” A worried gasp sounded on the line. “He promised he wouldn’t tell you! Darn you, Theo! I swear I would have asked you first, but I couldn’t find you and then I forgot and before I knew it, we were digging in the dirt and really, a middle finger, Reaper? Shame on you. The rebellion is about more than telling the Global Allegiance to screw off!”
My brow furrowed. “You and Theo changed the rebellion logo? When and how did I not know about this?” I caught the pink haired females shocked gaze. “Never mind, we can discuss that later. Right now, I just need you to make your way to the security room. A situation has arisen that I need your help with.”
“Do you hear that, Dax? Reaper needs my help!”
“With what?” Dax’s voice rang through the comm line.
“Who cares! When Reaper asks for help, you help him.” I could practically hear her joy through the line. Poe wouldn’t be so happy when she got here and saw what was going on. Her best friend threatening the cyborgs she cared for was not going to go over well.
“Stay right there! I’m on my way!”
The pink haired female shook her head. “She sounded happy.” Disbelief echoed in her voice.
“She is,” I confirmed.
Footsteps came thudding around the corner then ended in an abrupt halt. Poe appeared in my visual systems along with Dax. “Make a note in those Military Model processors of yours that I made it here in record time, Reaper.” A huge smile was spread across her face. “Now, what did-” Her words cut off, the smile slipping from her face. “Oz?”