Page 66 of Viper
As the three of us navigated the dark hallways, I made sure to watch out for anything or anyone who was a threat.
Luckily, it seemed like the strike teams had cleared the complex free of its human security teams.
They had either fled or been taken out and were no longer breathing. Still, I remained on guard.
I was happy to say that all traces of the humor and fun had fled from both Brone and Oz’s face once we had started walking.
The two of them wore similar serious expressions, their hands steady on their plasma rifles.
I might not have wanted Oz with me for this part, but it wasn’t because I thought she wasn’t capable. I had complete faith in her abilities to kick ass.
It was me I couldn’t trust. I had an overwhelming instinct to protect her at all costs. I would gladly put myself in harm’s way if it kept her safe. She might want to risk herself for the cyborg rebellion, but not me.
But I wouldn’t tell her that. I couldn’t keep her behind glass simply because I was terrified to lose her. Watching her die was something that would haunt me for the rest of my days. I wasn’t strong enough to do it again.
“You’re staring at me, V. Want to share with the class?” She quirked a brow, waiting.
“No. Eyes ahead, Oz. You have to be ready for any threat.”
“Love you, too, Technology Model.”
I growled. “How much further?”
“Reaper and the others should be around the next corner,” Brone answered.
Sure enough, the sound of Reaper’s shouts reached my auditory systems. The three of us rounded the corner and the sight that greeted my eyes was one I would never forget.
Reaper stood with his hands up, at least 10 of the bots surrounding him as they fought to get close to rub up against his frame.
“Oh god, It’s better in person!” Brone exclaimed, another round of laughter leaving his lips.
“Make them stop, Oz,” Reaper snarled.
“You do it. They respond to your commands, oh great leader of the cyborg rebellion.”
Reaper’s gray eyebrows shot up. “Why the hell did you not inform me of that fact?”
One of her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “You didn’t ask.”
“Stand down,” Reaper shouted, and all the robots functions ceased, the bodies going still.
Oz clapped her hands. “Good, now that we have that solved, can someone tell me where the cyborgs are that we are supposed to be rescuing?” She tapped a finger against her head. “The implant has been monitoring Global Allegiance communications and they just sounded a red alert. My guess is they are assembling teams to send to this location as we speak, so we need to get the hell out of dodge.”
Brone pointed a large metal door. “They are being kept in there. Our efforts to breach it have so far been unsuccessful.”
“And they will keep being unsuccessful, you primitive brute of outdated tech!” A female voice shouted from behind the door.
Brone stormed up to the door and slammed his massive palm against it, making it tremble. “Like I told you, female, it would be better for you if you let me in. Have you ever seen a Tank Class before? My kind were used as battering rams on the battlefield. Sooner or later, I’m going to get in and when I do, I’ll remember all the insults you have hurled through this door!”
Laughter sounded. “Doesn’t matter what you do. You and the malfunctioning group of cyborgs you call friends are never getting in here!”
“Maybe we should let them in, Nara! Do we really want to die for the Global Allegiance?”
“We can’t! We must protect our cyborgs! Who knows what they will do to them?”
“They aren’t yours! They belong with us! We are their family!”