Page 68 of Viper
“Don’t be afraid. They won’t hurt you.”
“We trust you, Miss Nara. We will go.”
The female released a breath, her eyes welling up. She cupped the bronze cyborg’s cheek, giving it a quick pat, then did the same thing to the other two before stepping away. “The three of you be good, okay? Go on. There are bad people coming and you need to be gone before they arrive.”
All three of them started walking to the door, but at the last minute, the gold one spun around. “What is going to happen to you?”
Brone stepped through the doorway. “She’s coming with us.”
All three of them nodded in unison before exiting the room to follow Reaper. As soon as they were gone, she spun around and poked a finger into Brone’s chest. “Why would you tell them that?” She hissed. “It’s a cruel joke to play. When they look for me and I’m not there, they won’t understand.”
“I wasn’t playing, female. You are coming with me.” And with that, Brone lifted the female up and slung her over his massive shoulder.
“Wait! Put me down! I can walk!”
“I know, but it’s more fun this way,” Brone replied as he began to carry her down the hall.
“You could have just asked, and I would have said yes. Those cyborgs matter to me. I will go anywhere with them.”
Brone growled low as he stomped the rest of the way to the waiting transports.
The new members of our family were secured first and then everyone climbed inside and found seats.
The female tried to sit away from Brone, but he merely picked her up and put her on his lap, his arms locking around her waist. “Stay,” he growled.
Oz turned to me and grinned. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”