Page 8 of Viper
Iopened my eyes, grateful to discover that there was now only a dull ache to contend with. Poe’s green cyborg must truly be magic.
“Not magic. I injected you with a pain inhibitor.”
Shit. Totally thought I had said that in my head. Maybe my brain wasn’t as put back together as I hoped it would be.“Really thought I said that in my head.” I took a deep breath, pushing myself up gingerly to meet brilliant green eyes, and flashed him a smile. “Thanks for the good drugs, doc.”
Dax frowned. “I am not adoc.I am a Science Model. I can tell you if I had allowed the Medical Model to work on you, you would not currently be alive.” The corners of his mouth tipped up into a grin as he brushed his hands down the front of his lab coat. “So maybe I am magic.”
Poe’s face came into view. “Magic, huh?” She matched his grin. “Well, you are the most brilliant cyborg in existence.”
I reached for her hand, giving it a small squeeze. “Always knew you’d pick a good one.”
Poe let out a little laugh. “He sort of picked me. I mean that literally. The moment he saw me, he grabbed me, tossed me over his shoulder, and ran like a green version of that super-fast comic book hero.”
Dax stood a bit taller as he took her free hand. “Well, the most brilliant cyborg in existence knew the best thing he had ever seen when he saw it.” He lifted her hand and placed a kiss against her fingers. “And he makes sure he doesn’t let her get away.”
Poe blushed like a schoolgirl. There was no doubt about it. My best friend was a goner. A vision of the Technology Model flashed inside my head. Would he wear a smile and gaze at his female like she was the most important thing in the whole universe? Would his female blush at his words?
I shook my head. I had no right to wonder about those things. I should thank my lucky stars he doesn’t want my head on a platter. Not daydream about what type of girl Viper would fall for.
And wonder if she could ever look like me.Fuck, the illegal tech in my head must have done some damage after all. Yep. That had to be it. I refused to believe it could be anything else.
“Tell me something, Oz, at any point did you touch Viper?”
Poe’s question pulled me out of my confusing thoughts. I frowned, letting her hand go. “Yeah. Only on his shoulder. Why?”
She let out a sigh. “Shitsnacks, Oz, you really know how to step in it, don’t you?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Really? You have to ask me that?” I gestured to the room around me before rapping my knuckles against the cool metal beneath me. “Thought it was pretty clear by now. I do dumb shit. So, spill. Why was touching Viper so awful?”
She drew in a breath. “Viper hates to be touched. In fact, he’s the only cyborg that I have yet to hug. I got an air high five and that’s progress in my book. I don’t ask why, and he doesn’t tell me, but I’m afraid you did Viper’s ultimate no-no without even realizing it.” She pinned me to the exam table with her gaze. “I am even more surprised that he stood up to Reaper to let Dax save you.”
My mouth fell open as my eyes shot to Dax, seeking confirmation. Somehow, I needed him to say it, too. Maybe then I would believe what I had heard.
He dropped another kiss to Poe’s hand then shrugged. “He did. Quite surprised about that myself.”
I could feel the color drain from my face. The room began to spin.
“What’s wrong? Are you experiencing pain?” Dax’s concerned face hovered in front of me, worry creasing his brow. “Confusion?”
I gulped. “Confusion sounds about right. Why would he do that? Oh, god. I made it so much worse without even knowing! Shitsnacks wasn’t strong enough, Poe. Fuck.” My eyes shot to hers. “Fuck about sums it up,” My face fell into my hands. “Fuck. Fuck.Fuck.”
After that mind blowing revelation, Poe and Dax left so I could get some rest. Rest. Right. It most likely was caused by my repeated attempts at trying to find a damn cell I could sit my ass down in and ordering them to put me in it. At one point I might even have begged.
A cell would keep me out of more trouble. Maybe. Possibly. It seemed like I was fucking up and doing things wrong without even knowing it. I cursed my rotten luck…and stupid ideas.
It’s not luck or stupidity,my brain countered.It’s the destruction you bring everywhere you go.
I shot up from the table, sending pain whipping across my temples, and I held still until it faded. I let my body slide off the table, gripping the side to steady my shaky legs. I could do this.
“Just where do you think you are going?” A deep voice sounded from behind me.
A growl escaped my lips as I twisted my head to see who was attempting to stop me. The growl turned into a gasp when I saw him. I narrowed my eyes, my mind trying to make sense of the cyborg in front of me.
“Am I hallucinating? Or is your frame really made up of that many colors?” I blinked, any thoughts I had of fleeing vanishing at the sight of him.
“I assure you female, you are not hallucinating.”