Page 32 of Brone
I had never meant to become the leader but after freeing us from the Global Allegiance, I had stepped into the role and never looked back. Over the years, it had become part of me, as natural to me as breathing.
I had been hard on them sometimes; always aware our enemy was out there, and we had to be ready. But had I ever told them how much I cared? Or how they had become vital to my existence?Aria and Theo had softened some of my rough edges, but I worried it hadn’t been enough.
Now here I stood, second guessing everything and wondering if I am the reason Torque is dead. If I had brought him with me a few previous times, would things be different? If I had told him how much I cared about him, would he have he died knowing that I was proud of him?
Military Models aren’t known for their soft words of encouragement or physical signs of affection. Most cyborgs aren’t huggers, but I could have been less cold; less like a machine and more like a friend, a brother.
I hadn’t seen Dax suffering or noticed that Acer was malfunctioning so badly without his core programming that we nearly lost him. How many more of my cyborgs were hurting that I had failed to notice?
I opened my mouth to try and lead us through this, but nothing came out, the weight of everything slamming into me. I trembled, unable to regulate my systems as my processors spun. Shame coiled like a rope around my frame, squeezing my chest tight and making it hard to breathe.
I felt my knees buckle as a strong arm wrapped around my shoulder, keeping me upright.
“I’ve got you,” Brone whispered, gripping me a bit tighter.
I sagged against his frame, allowing the larger model to shoulder some of my weight.
On the other side, another arm slung over my free shoulder. “I’ve got you, boss.” Viper pressed himself against my frame. The sight caused my throat to tighten. I knew how much it meant for Viper to be touching me.
Dax found my hand and squeezed. “I’ve got you.”
Dash, Rust, Acer, Hester, and Theo each placed their hand on me with a chorus of“I’ve got you.”
My rebellion held me as I was breaking apart, every instinct screaming I should be caring for them, but for this moment, I allowed them to care for me. The trembling ceased, and I worked to gather my circuits. I felt the tight grasp of the shame start to loosen, allowing me to swallow past the lump in my throat.
“I am not your leader today. I am simply a cyborg who understands how broken you feel because I am, too. Our home is gone. Our brother was taken from us. I have no words to fix it, and my heart is too shattered to try. But I know we will put ourselves back together again. The rebellion was never a place-it has always been the people who lived there.” I drew in breath, straightening my frame as warmth filled my chest. “You are the rebellion.” I looked down at Torque, dark fluid spilling free. “And youalwayswill be.”
Avoiding Brone had been harder than I expected. It had been three days since Torque’s service. After Reaper’s words, Brone and a few other cyborgs helped lower the fallen cyborg into the ground, burying him under a huge tree.
Waves of guilt had swept over me as I clung to my Luxury Models during the service, my mind reminding me on constant repeat that I had been responsible for this.
Responsible for the sounds of the other females weeping, for the way Dax, Rust, and Brone had stood huddled together with pure grief stark on their faces. For Iris having to tuck one of her precious Beanie Babies inside with Torque’s frame instead of being able to give it to him like she had wanted to.
For the leader of the cyborg rebellion breaking down due to losing one of his cyborgs.
The guilt had mixed with the determination to leave, but I had to confess my sins first. I had wanted to give everyone a few more days before I tossed more heavy stuff on their doorsteps. The rebellion was frayed, and I worried my confession would unravel another thread.
Walking briskly down the hall, I had decided today would be the day. I couldn’t wait any longer. Every day I spent here put them at greater risk. Not paying attention, too consumed by my thoughts, I turned a corner and collided with a solid form with an oomph.
Large hands gripped my upper arms. “Nara, are you okay?” the voice of the cyborg I had been avoiding asked, concern etched in his deep, rough tone.
I tipped my chin up, meeting the eyes of the Tank Class. “I’m fine, Brone.”
Bright blue eyes narrowed. “But with my size I could hurt you. Are you sure?”
I shrugged in his grip. “Maybe if I was completely human, but I’m not anymore, remember?”
His lips thinned. “I won’t ever be able to forget.”
Open mouth, insert foot.“I didn’t mean it like that, Brone.”
“I don’t know if I believe you. You have been avoiding me, Nara. I thought we were becoming friends.” He left the unspoken hope –or maybe more– off the end, but my brain heard the words anyway.
We couldn’t be more.Not even if some part of me wanted to. I’d enjoyed the flirting between us, the way he had held my hand when I’d been nervous, and the tender way he spoke to Theo about losing their friend.
Brone was a cyborg I could fall in love with.The thought came unbidden to the forefront of my mind, the feel of his hands on my skin branding me with the truth.