Page 62 of Brone
“Don’t mean to interrupt,” Ion’s voice sounded from behind the closed door. “But Reaper and Lennox have been comming me nonstop, wanting to know what is happening.” He cleared his throat. “I believe that the both of you would not want me to inform them of the intimate details of your reunion, but I don’t think I can hold them off for much longer.”
Nara’s whole body flushed a deep shade of pink. “Oh God! I forgot about Ion. He heard everything, didn’t he?” She buried her head into my chest, muttering something about damn cyborgs and their stupid enhanced hearing.
I fought a smile. Nara choose me. If that Military Model was thinking he was going to swoop in and steal Nara, his ears had now heard proof that she picked me to please her.
Nara slapped my chest. “Stop gloating.”
I smirked. “How did you know?”
“I can practically hear the purring in your processors. Ion never wanted me like that. I swear, Brone. And for some strange reason, I only want a certain Tank Class.”
“Trust me, I heard how much you wanted him,” Ion mumbled through door.
She gripped my chin. “I am going to take a shower, and you are going out to help Ion with the Reaper and Lennox situation. Once I’m dressed, I’ll join you. Hopefully by then, I’ll be able to look Ion in the eye.” She hopped off my frame and sauntered towards the bathroom and I took a moment to enjoy the view.
Tossing on my pants, I yanked open the door to reveal a flustered and dark gray cheeked Ion refusing to meet my eyes. He slapped a comm into my hand. “Talk to Reaper.” He spun on his heel and strode away, mumbling, “Might never be able to look either of them in the eye again.”
I worked hard not to break out into laughter. Poor Ion. That cyborg got more than he had bargained for when he had accompanied Nara. I found that now that I was no longer consumed with the worry that he might want my female for his own, a part of me was grateful he had looked after her. I would have preferred one of the rebellion’s cyborgs, but Ion seemed to be a good Military Model.
I wondered what his story was. I wondered about all of the cyborgs who had allied themselves with Lennox. With the threat of the Global Allegiance still not neutralized, no one had had time to really settle into the compound and get to know the cyborgs and humans who called it home.
Stepping into the living room, I activated the comm and Reaper’s booming voice thundered through the small space. “Brone! Where the hell have you been?”
“Busy.” I grinned, grateful that Reaper couldn’t see my face.
A growl tore through the line. “Busy? You’ve beenbusy?”
“Is your eye doing that twitching thing it does when you get angry?” Miles away from him and his battle axe, I couldn’t help but mess with him a bit. He was far less terrifying when you weren’t in the same room with him. Not that I was all that afraid of Reaper. A lot of it was all bark and no bite when it came to the leader of the cyborg rebellion.
Not to the enemy, of course, but for those he loved, he was rather soft hearted under all that metal.
Nara stepped into the living room. “Don’t torment Reaper, Brone.”
Hearing her voice, Reaper groaned. “I guess you haven’t come to your senses then.”
I chuckled. “Nope. Sorry, Reaper.”
“Liar. You aren’t sorry at all, Tank Class.”
“But I am, Reaper.” Nara slid her hand into my free one. “I should have told you and the rebellion the truth from the moment you came to rescue the Luxury Models. For that, I am sorry. But know that I don’t intend to grovel the rest of my days, Reaper. I screwed up. I can admit it. But I am notevilor the rebellion’senemy.I want to destroy the Global Allegiance as much as you do. I want them to pay for what they did. I want to fightwithyou, notagainstyou.” Squeezing my hand, she looked at me,determination on her face.
Nara was ready to fight. And she wouldn’t do it alone. Even if no one at the rebellion decided to stand beside her, I would. Today and always.
Reaper sighed. “Your Luxury Models told me the same thing.”
Nara’s expression lit up at the mention of Core, Caliber, and Chaos. “How are they? Are they okay?” A tear trailed down her cheek. “Are they mad at me? Do they hate me?”
I opened my mouth to tell her that would be impossible, but Reaper cut me off. “Hate you?” He scoffed. “No. They were rather pissed at me for sending you away. Pretty sure the gold one wanted to punch me,” Reaper laughed. “They are your greatest defenders, Nara. Along with a certain Tank Class I am half convinced you bewitched somehow.”
Nara gave a little laugh. “I don’t possess any powers that I am aware of, Reaper.”
“I disagree. That thing you did with your mout-” Nara slapped her hand over my face, not allowing me to finish.
“Sothatis what you meant bybusy.” Reaper gave another laugh. “So, you have fully bonded then?” His voice had turned serious.
“Not yet,” I mumbled from behind Nara’s hand. She dropped it, shooting me a glare. Got it. I was not supposed to talk about that. I cleared my throat. “Not yet,” I repeated.But hopefully soon, I added inside my head. I would not pressure her, but I knew I didn’t want to live without her.
Nara blushed. “We are working on it.”