Page 6 of The Wrong Brother
“I need the Marcelli file. Where is it?”
“It’s simple. I promise. It’s under M.”
She smiled brightly, making him want to shake her silly and remove that damn smile. Then it hit him. He knew the perfect way to remove it. What would she do if he suddenly kissed her? That’d wipe her smile off with ease. That sounded like a much better plan than shaking her.
Damn it. He couldn’t kiss his secretary, no matter how enticing it sounded. But, oh, it sounded very enticing.
He pressed his lips together to hold back another smile that wanted to let loose. “Do you enjoy being a smartass?”
She tilted her head, tapping a finger on her temple. “On occasion. But I didn’t mean it sarcastically. I meant it literally. It’s really simple. I organized it by sorting everything alphabetically. It’ll be much easier for you.” Then another beautiful smile appeared. “Perhaps I should make a swear jar. You can’t seem to control your impulses to swear either.”
He averted his attention back to the cabinet. She was right on one account. He couldn’t control his impulse to swear, and he was almost having a hard time controlling the impulse to cross the distance and kiss her senseless. Ignoring what he knew would be a terrible idea, he pulled open another drawer where he found the Ms. He saw the file he needed immediately, grabbed it, shoving the drawer closed.
“Ms. Stileano, I need a cup of coffee.” He walked back over to his desk.
“You can get your own coffee.”
“Excuse me?” And he thought she had already managed to surprise him enough for the day. Apparently, he was wrong.
“I’m your secretary. Nowhere in the job description did it mention fetching you a cup of coffee. I’m not your personal servant. Although, you’ve felt the need to almost act like I’ve been just that all day. I have a lot of things to do, thanks to you. I don’t have time to get your coffee. If you want one, you’ll have to get it yourself.”
“Do you like testing me?”
“No. It’s simple manners. You didn’t even add ‘please.’”
“Do you want to be fired already?”
“Are you firing me?”
Gabby pulled her feet onto the couch, rubbing her toes with a rough hand. She needed a good massage. A deep massage. She hadn’t worn heels in a long time. Not some cheap heels with little height. But no, tall, make-me-break-my-neck heels. Only because Mia suggested she wear the damn hazardous shoes. While one would think a secretary sat at a desk all day, she didn’t. That damn aggravating man had her running back and forth between her desk, his office, and the file room down the long, long hallway.
Way too long of a hallway.
She glanced at her hallway when she heard her apartment door swing open, and the sound of tiny clicks come her way. She reached for her wine glass, raising it to Mia as she plopped down next to her.
Mia leaned closer. “So? What are we cheering? Is he cheating on me? You found out already. The scumbag!”
Gabby smiled behind the rim of her glass. “No. I didn’t find out much other than the fact he works too damn much. And don’t you dare tell me to add anything to the swear jar. I’ll add five bucks later. My feet hurt. Rub them?” Gabby tried to lay her leg over Mia’s lap, but she pushed her away.
“I’m not touching your feet. I told you that you needed to wear heels more often. This is what happens when you don’t.” Mia cocked a brow. “Five bucks? You’re anticipating swearing a lot tonight.”
“You do realize I can’t wear heels at my real job. I hate wearing the damn things. That right there incites me to swear heavily because they made my feet hurt.”
Mia grabbed the glass out of her hands, taking a huge gulp. “Hmm, this is the stuff from that wine festival we went to last year. I love this stuff. So, dish? How’d the day go?”
“It went. He worked me dry. He was still at the office when I left. I don’t even know how he has time for you. He doesn’t even have time to appreciate the gorgeous view from his office. He needs a serious wake-up call.” She scrunched up her nose in distaste.
“So, that’s why he bailed on me tonight. He said he had to work late. He wasn’t lying.” Mia smiled, taking another sip of wine.
Gabby grabbed her glass back, almost spilling the contents. “Get your own glass, girl. This one is mine. I’m tired. He wasn’t lying. He was working when I left. It didn’t look like he was going anywhere anytime soon.”
“This is good news. Maybe I’m creating it all in my head. Something always goes wrong, I guess I’m making nothing into something.” Mia blew out a sigh of relief. “Wanna watch a movie? I don’t have a hot date anymore tonight.”