Page 12 of The Right Time
She’d still feel lost and alone, despite being surrounded by so many good people in her life.
Like Gabby, her best friend since forever. They had been through so much together. At times, Mia took advantage of her generosity and friendship. Not intentionally, but because it had become a habit. And Gabby was so much stronger than her. She could handle things better. Mia’s fear always held her back. She wanted to believe she was made of strong stuff, but was she? Because it felt like fear controlled most of her life. Too much. Every decision she made was with a touch of fear lingering in the background, and no matter how many times she tried to stomp it out, hide it away, push it down, it stayed there. Like an infected wound, growing and festering.
But no more, she had told herself. She had to make that fear go away.
For once in her life, she thought she’d try to be more daring, bolder. She decided she’d create a wedding dress for Gabby. She was getting married in a few months, and Mia wanted to show her thanks for all the wonderful things Gabby always did for her. For all the love she always showed her. What better way to express her love and gratitude than by creating the most spectacular, beautiful wedding dress of all time.
Of course, she wasn’t a professional fashion designer, but she loved to sketch her own creations and pretend like it could happen one day. And yes, she created the designs for the costumes on each new production, but she also collaborated with others to produce those designs. All of it wasn’t in her sole control, so it didn’t completely feel like her creation alone.
At times, she had the fanciful idea she could become a fashion designer and have all the creative control. She loved dressing up. She loved putting this odd-colored shirt with that colorful pair of pants, or that vivid dress with this vibrant scarf. Mia had a keen eye for things. She was proud of it.
She had never admitted her dream out loud. Not even to Gabby, who she told most things to. It sounded silly and so far out of her reach. She didn’t need anyone laughing at her, or giving her false hope that she could do it.
False hope only destroyed a person. She could attest to that.
For now, she was happy to work at one of the local theaters designing costumes for the performers, and on occasion, doing hair and makeup. But one day, she hoped to follow her dreams and start her own fashion line.
How crazy did that sound? Super-duper out of this world crazy. Just thinking it made her feel foolish.
Her mind trailed back to her bag and her ruined sketch pad.
That was a sign right there she should give up on her dreams. Nothing but sadness and destruction lay in that path. The sign couldn’t be any bigger. Hello, neon flashing sign with blinking lights around it. Yes, she got the message. Stop dreaming for things out of her reach.
Gabby wouldn’t even like her creation. Although, she’d never hurt her feelings by saying she didn’t like it. Gabby would just suck it up, pretend, and wear a dress she didn’t love because it would make her happy.
Which was why Mia never had the courage to tell Gabby she was sketching her a wedding dress. She didn’t want to force her to do something when her wedding day should be the most magical day of her life.
It was for the best the sketch got damaged. She wouldn’t have had the courage to show it to Gabby anyway.
She jumped, the glass nearly tumbling out of her grasp when a sharp knock sounded on her door.
Setting her glass on the counter, she knew she couldn’t ignore the knock. It was inevitable Gabby would find out what happened today. It wasn’t every day she was involved in a robbery at a convenience store. All because she had a craving for a candy bar. That was the last time she would indulge in one of her cravings. She’d stick with her pretzels and that was that.
One of the detectives at the scene must’ve spread the word to Gabby, who happened to work in the precinct in that area.
Opening the door, she wasn’t prepared for the man standing on the other side.
Jaxson Brandt.
The only man to ever capture her heart.
Sure, she dated. She wasn’t shy about meeting new guys. She didn’t even know why she dated so much. She knew they would never be the one. Did the one even exist?
Ugh. Why was she having this mental argument again? Of course, he existed. He stood right in front of her.
Jaxson drew her in with the first sweet smile he’d ever bestowed upon her.
Of course, nothing would—could—ever happen between them. They were only friends. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship.
He also happened to be Gabby’s partner. They both worked in the homicide department. So, if he was here, where was Gabby?
Maybe nobody told Gabby what had happened. Although, by his fierce frown and the intensity in his eyes, she knew he knew.
But that didn’t mean she couldn’t pretend ignorance.
“What a surprise, Jaxson. What are you doing here?”
“You know what I’m doing here.”