Page 21 of The Right Time
He rocked into her a few more times before falling over the edge with her, tensing and holding her tight.
Lifting slightly, he met her pleasured gaze.
“I love you, Mia. I will show you every day how much. I swear it.”
She pulled him closer for a kiss. Although she didn’t repeat the words, he felt her love in every tender kiss and delicate touch.
And the room heated up once more.
Jaxson grumbled when he heard his phone go off, then turned toward his nightstand. His hand hit the wall instead. Cursing, he opened his eyes, adjusting to the darkness. His senses came completely back to him.
Oh, yeah. He wasn’t in his own bed.
He was in Mia’s.
Normally, he slept on the right side, but here, in her room, he was on the left, next to a wall. He’d have to buy a nightstand for his side of the bed.
Or not.
Maybe they’d move into his apartment. Or he could bring his nightstand from his apartment to her place.
Wow. So many decisions and conversations they needed to have.
But later. He didn’t want to bombard her with too much too fast. He got a yes, and he didn’t want to lose it right away. Because he knew Mia. The slightest thing frightened her, even when she portrayed all was calm in her world.
And last night…words couldn’t describe it.
What a spectacular night it had been. After a beautiful time between the sheets, delicious takeout from a pizza joint a few blocks from her apartment, they had more wonderful time in bed. A very long, breathtaking time before they fell asleep. She didn’t ask him to leave, and he didn’t suggest anything else besides pulling her closer.
“Sorry, go back to sleep.” He kissed her forehead before grabbing his phone from the floor in his pants pocket.
He knew he wouldn’t be going back to sleep. A phone call this late was never a good thing. After getting information from his captain, he hung up, rolling back toward Mia.
She snuggled in his embrace, making him hate the fact he had to leave.
What would the distance do to them? Would she change her mind? Because he wouldn’t doubt it. He had felt her hesitate several times throughout the evening. Her eyes sparkling with uncertainty as if questioning her decision to take a leap of faith and marry him.
Was he rushing things? Hell, yes. He wouldn’t deny it.
Did he regret it? Not one bit.
He’d been using kid gloves with her since the beginning. It didn’t work. He was jumping all in. He wasn’t backing down about anything. He’d be in her face twenty-four-seven if he had to be.
“I have to go. A case popped up.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” The shiver that wracked her body made him think she was more than sorry. That she felt the loss deep down in her bones.
Because Mia knew loss. She knew heartache and the horror another person could display.
But she also knew love and caring.
If only she could give it to more than one person—Gabby.
Well, she did give it to him. Last night. Sure, she only said she loved him once, but he’d get her to say it again. And again. And again for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t accept anything less.