Page 3 of The Right Time
He was a good driver. Way better than her, that’s for sure. But ever since the hit-and-run case they had a while back, she had been a stickler for eyes on the road at all times. He got it. He totally understood. But he had full control of the vehicleandhe wasn’t drunk to boot. Not like the suspect they finally caught after much legwork going through traffic videos and getting one good picture of the license plate that hit and killed two people.
“I’m emailing Mia a guest list for Dane’s surprise party. Give me two more minutes, and then I’m all yours for the rest of the day.”
Damn. He knew it. He knew whatever was going on with Gabby this morning had to do with Mia. Although he was surprised she had shared the news so freely. He found her more times than not watching what she said around him concerning Mia. Something he told her that she didn’t have to do.
Okay, fine. Mia didn’t return his feelings. She only wanted to be friends. Not surprising. It was the main reason he’d never confessed to Mia how he felt. Wrong moment, wrong timing had Mia finding out his feelings anyway.
Shit happened.
It also happened to break his heart. Some things were better not knowing. He’d love it if he could turn back the clock where she never heard him confessing how much he liked her.
But just because things were awkward between them—no matter how many times he tried to dispel the tension—he didn’t want Gabby to have to walk on eggshells around him. He could handle it.
Sort of.
Most days it hurt.
Some days he shrugged it off until he got home and could wallow in his self-pity alone.
“So, you’re doing a party for Dane?” He made a funny face because he couldn’t stop himself. There were times when he knew to keep his expressions neutral; otherwise, Gabby would latch on and never leave him alone until he confessed what the look meant. He had a hard time keeping things from her.
“What? What the hell was that look for?”
“First, quarter,” he said, snapping his fingers this time and pointing toward one of the cupholders they used for the swear jar in the vehicle. Two more bucks and they could get the subs from the best deli in the city. His mouth started watering thinking about the ham, turkey, and Swiss sub he always—always—got from there. It was so good, it was hard to deviate from his usual and try anything else. Oh, and the extra side of pickles and squirt of mustard that the pretty worker, Sara, always gave him free of charge. Maybe he should ask her out. Stop pining over Mia.
Yeah, he wouldn’t.
Gabby rolled her eyes but dug her wallet out and plopped a quarter into the already piling-high stash.
“Second, you hemmed and hawed about throwing him a party. You even said he didn’t want a party.” Jaxson looked at her briefly, his eyes wide. “That he doesn’t like parties, especially for his birthday.”
“I don’t hem and haw.”
“You totally hem and haw all the time. Especially about the party.”
Jaxson couldn’t help but laugh when she made a low growling noise as if she were ready to smack him on the back of the head for needling her about the party.
“Yes, well, Dane also never did anything but work when I met him, so tough. He’s getting a party.” She sighed, yet with a wistful smile. “He deserves a party. I won’t go into details about why he’s not a fan of parties, but I refuse to allow the past to affect his future. So there.”
Jaxson chuckled. “So there,” he mimicked, right down to her tone of voice. “You gonna say the same thing to Dane when he walks into a party he doesn’t want?”
“Are you trying to talk me out of this?”
“Me?” Jaxson said in a teasing tone as he placed one hand over his heart, with his other hand still gripping the wheel. “I’d never talk you out of anything. I love to watch the crazy shit you do.”
“Ha! You owe a quarter.”
He smirked, squeezing the steering wheel, knowing full well Gabby saw. “Two hands at all times. Can’t let go of the wheel.”
“Whatever. I’ll remind you when we get to our destination.” Then she chuckled. “And don’t think I didn’t see you touch your chest. I’m constantly reminding you to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel.”
“We both know I’m the better driver.”
Which in Gabby code meant she agreed with him but wasn’t about to vocalize the agreement.
Jaxson’s heart started to pound. He should simply let the conversation die and move on to a new topic.