Page 64 of The Right Time
“She was beat up by my father. She witnessed me killing him. She’s been living her whole life trying to protect me and doing crazy things I ask of her. I take advantage of that because it’s easier to let her handle things. I’m a horrible friend.”
His brows drew down a little, contemplating. “That’s hard for anyone to deal with. She might’ve witnessed it, but you pulled the trigger. Considering what all happened, you came out pretty good. Not everyone could come back from something like that. And I’d say, Gabby’s happy you asked her to do something so outrageous because she would’ve never met Dane otherwise. Things happen for a reason, Mia. Sometimes finding that reason is hard to see, but it’s always there. You said yes to Jaxson for a reason. Instead of constantly fighting with yourself, just let go. You’re not in a battle anymore. Your father is dead, so stop letting him control you.”
Brick smiled and straightened, his eyes darting to something behind her. Turning slightly, she added her own smile when Jaxson sat down. Brick walked away toward the other end of the bar.
His words swam around her mind, not quite sinking in but floating close to the surface. Just one little push and they might break the surface.
Was that what she was doing? Letting her father control her even in death?
Most definitely.
Sometimes she hesitated when making a decision, a quick burst of memories filtering in on how her father would react. Never a good reaction either. Her choice of dress. Yeah, sometimes she dressed wild, knowing deep down her father would’ve beaten her silly for wearing such a short skirt or a shirt too revealing. Almost as if spitting at him in the netherworlds. Oh, because she had no doubt he went to hell where he deserved to spend the rest of eternity.
And dating. Always dating losers or finding faults in great guys because, in the end, shielding her heart, never giving it away completely, would keep her safe. It gave her the comfort she’d never fall into the same trap she grew up in. Complete and utter hell.
“Hey, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Jaxson wiped a lone tear that had escaped.
She hadn’t even realized the tears were so close to the edge.
“I’m a terrible friend. I’m a horrible fiancée. I don’t deserve you.” Mia stood up and backed away.
She held up a hand hoping Jaxson respected her boundaries when he stood up as well.
“I have to go. I’m sorry. For everything.”
“I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to fight. Everything’s okay. We’re okay. I love you.” His voice hitched, his eyes straining with pain. “Please sit down.”
“I can’t.”
Then she walked out of the bar, her heart in his hands and her soul feeling completely drained.
Jaxson turned toward the bar and slid back on the stool. He needed something to support him. Mia had just walked out on him. It felt like she had walked out on him for good.
He didn’t even understand why. What had he done? Did he say something wrong? He had no idea how to win her back. Hell, he barely had her in the first place. He’d been hanging onto her by a thread the entire time.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? I know why Mia is. Because I’m pretty sure she dumped me.”
Brick grimaced. “Yeah, I might’ve said a few things…”
Jaxson cocked a brow. “Excuse me?”
“She looked so…lost, sitting there. We chatted and I said the wrong thing.”
“Hence, your oops.”
He couldn’t be mad at Brick. Sure, he might’ve said something that hit a chord with Mia, but something sooner or later would’ve sent her running. Because that’s what she did. She always walked away. From every guy. He was just another guy on her list.
His head hung low as that disastrous feeling washed over him.