Page 67 of The Right Time
Gabby chuckled and circled the coffee table, her eyes narrowing, displaying concern despite her laughter.
“Some might. To tease and taunt.”
Yeah, she had a point there. On occasion, she liked a scary movie or two, but it wasn’t her usual go-to kind of movie. She preferred the romantic, sappy at heart movies. Something to get her mind off her life and everything that happened in the past. Something that could give her hope she could have a happy, romantic life like in the movies.
But life wasn’t a movie.
It was hard, difficult, and full of surprises.
Gabby’s smile dimmed. “Everything okay?”
Where did she even start?
Mia was so proud of herself. Well, not about walking out on Jaxson, but for not letting the tears escape. Because they had wanted to unleash like a damn waterfall. The kind that had a sheer drop, several hundred feet high, and if one fell, they were surely falling to their death.
She held in every single drop the entire ride to Gabby’s apartment. Now that she was here, she felt like letting it all out. But where to start?
She should feel grateful the door had been unlocked. Pre Dane, Gabby rarely locked her apartment. Mia and Jaxson dropped by so often, there was no point. Same for her apartment. Since Dane, sometimes she had to knock. If the door was locked, it usually meant those two were doing things Mia had no desire to know about.
Because she wasn’t getting the same thing.
She wanted that same thing now.
With Jaxson.
“Mia?” Gabby took a step forward, her brows drawing low.
“I’m a terrible friend. I’ve been lying to you.”
Gabby paused, her brows dropping even lower.
Dane stood up. “I think I’ll leave you two to chat.”
He circled the coffee table, kissed Gabby on the cheek, and walked out of the room. She heard the door to the apartment shut. Mia had no idea where he might venture off to, but she didn’t particularly care either at the moment. Honestly, she was surprised he left the apartment altogether. A man with good intuition. So unlike his brother, Champ, who she had stupidly dated for a brief time.
“You’re not a terrible friend. Let’s sit down. I have no idea what could’ve happened from the time we parted earlier to now.”
Gabby’s hand outstretched to the couch, but Mia ignored it. She couldn’t sit. Not yet. Nervous energy was bouncing like a ping pong ball. Back and forth. Back and forth. One wrong move and she’d go off the edge.
“I lied to your face. And I can’t even say how sorry I am about that. I don’t even know why I did. I’m so dumb, and—”
“Stop,” Gabby said with a sharp bite, as if ready to chew her head off.
Neither said anything for a moment. Her heart raced. Her hands felt clammy. Her nerves still bounced heavily around.
But Gabby finally broke the silence.
“I can see something has you very agitated, and I don’t like seeing you like this. It’s okay, Mia. Whatever it is. It’s okay. Tell me. I’m not mad.”
That was so like Gabby. Always forgiving. Always overlooking her transgressions. It was at times like this where she didn’t feel like she deserved such an amazing friend. What had she done to get such a deep friendship like this?
“I slept with Jaxson.”
She said it.
Well, part of it.