Page 75 of The Right Time
He nodded because he didn’t know what else to say. How to react. Did he get down on his knees and grovel for forgiveness? Did he plead for her to understand and accept his apology?
Deep down, he wanted to talk to his best friend. Tell her how much he hurt, how Mia had taken his heart and destroyed it. Ask for her advice on how to get her back. Put his heart in the right place, piece by piece. Mia might have shredded it, but he still loved her. He still wanted her. She was special and he wasn’t willing to throw that away.
Gabby said nothing, as if waiting for him to speak first. No eloquent words shifted forth.
“I’m sorry, Gabs,” he finally whispered, the pain echoed in each word.
Her brows drew low as her eyes shimmered with sympathy. Not anger. Not rage. Not disgust. But deep, heart-wrenching sympathy. As if she knew that no matter what he did, Mia would never give her complete heart to him.
That hurt more than anything.
“I get it. I was hurt more than upset about it. But I get why you didn’t say anything to me.”
“I wanted to. You have to know I wanted to, but—” Shit. What was he doing? He didn’t want to blame Mia for everything.
Of course, itwasbecause of Mia he didn’t say a word to Gabby. But still. He felt like a bastard throwing her under the bus like that.
“I should’ve told you. I'm sorry. I’ll never lie to you again.”Besides the surprise party this weekend.
Back to this so shit. What did she expect him to say?
She slapped her hand hard on the desk. “What are you planning to do to get her back?”
He threw his hands in the air, exasperated, confused, and completely at his wits end. What the hell was he supposed to do?
“I’ve been trying my hardest from the beginning. Nothing I do gets through to her. Sure, she said she loved me. Once. I heard it once. I can’t get through that fear of hers. I don’t know how. I love her. I love her so much it physically hurts. What should I do? Because everything I’ve done so far hasn’t done shit.”
“So, you’re not giving up?”
“No. As much as my heart can’t take it, the brutal hits she keeps delivering, no, I’m not giving up. I don’t know where to go from here, though.”
A wide, beaming smile spread across Gabby’s face. “That’s all I needed to hear. She’ll come around. I know she will. Wait for her.”
“I’ve been waiting nine damn years.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I guess I can keep waiting a few more.”
“I like your style. Proposing is something I would’ve never thought of to do so soon.”
“I don’t know where that came from. It just felt right in the moment.”
“Sort of like that hickey felt right.” Gabby pointed at his neck and laughed.
He couldn’t stop himself; he pressed a hand over the spot as if it would magically make it disappear. Although it wasn’t as vibrant as when it first appeared, it was still lightly visible. Both of them she had given him because when her lips attached, she went wild.
“Knock it off.”
More laughter sprang free. “I can’t believe Mia did that. It’s so not like her.”
Jaxson picked up the crumpled piece of paper she had thrown at him and threw it back at her. “Stop. It’s not funny.”
“It’s hilarious as shit.”
“You better pay up.”
She rolled her eyes and tossed a few quarters into the swear jar.