Page 86 of The Right Time
He kissed the top of her head once more, his lips lingering. Oh, how he suddenly wanted her all to himself. The things he’d do. Brush his lips up and down her beautiful body in slow motion, making sure to hit every single spot. Delighting in the way she moaned in bliss at a kiss right below her hip. Rejoicing in the way she arched her body when his tongue dipped in her most intimate place. Relishing in the way she attached her lips to his skin, marking and branding him as only one could do when they wanted the world to know he was hers.
And he would never argue the point once. Give him all the hickeys. He was ready to show the world he was taken by the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world.
“Need some help?” he asked as Dane dropped two suitcases next to the car, breathing heavily.
“That would’ve been nice to offer the moment you saw us,” Dane drawled with sarcasm.
“It would’ve. It was also comical to watch you two. What did you pack? You’re not moving to the Bahamas.”
“Are you shitting me?” Gabby exclaimed as she popped the trunk open. “When will I ever get back to such a magical place? Years. Probably years on years. I do not want to screw this up. You can never have too many outfit options. So Mia told me, anyway.”
“You’re telling me you have five suitcases full of clothes. I would’ve thought one held the damn kitchen sink,” he replied with a chuckle.
“You think I’m bad. Wait until you take Mia on a trip,” Gabby said with a devilish twinkle in her eyes.
“It’s hard to pick outfits. There are beach outfits. Lunch outfits. Dinner outfits. If you’re going to the club, that’s a completely different outfit. Fancy restaurant? Not fancy? Which swimsuit to wear? The red or pink? Maybe yellow? And how about—”
“I got it. I got it,” he said, cutting off Mia’s rambling with a kiss.
He had no idea going on vacation was such a serious thing, especially when it came to what a woman wore.
“Note to self: buy more luggage.”
Mia giggled. “That sounds like a very good plan.”
“What are you two doing here anyway?” Gabby stepped back as Dane started to fill the trunk.
“We wanted to wish you much fun and happiness. And, of course, a safe trip,” Mia said.
“I can’t wait to get there.” The giddy and glee in Gabby’s voice was electric. “This was one of the best presents you’ve ever given me.”
Oh, how Jaxson wished that were true. He didn’t do much. He sure didn’t pay for the trip. He was her best friend, but notthatbest of best friends.
“This was all Dane.”
Gabby pulled him into a hug. “No, this was all you. You recommended the idea to Dane, who flew with it. You coordinated with the captain to get me time off, and you talked to your brother who knows someone in the travel agency who got us a great deal at the hotel.”
He shrugged as Gabby backed away. “Yeah, okay. I did a little bit to help. Oh, and you’re right. The best part about the trip will be your spa day. It’s all paid for by me. You go crazy and make sure they pamper you from head to toe.”
“Not sure that will be the best part,” Dane said as he stared lovingly into Gabby’s eyes, “but it was a nice gift. Gabby is excited about it.”
“I’ve never been pampered like that before. I am very excited.” Then Gabby grabbed a hug from Mia. They both squealed in delight. Jaxson couldn’t be sure about what, but he figured it was a woman thing.
“I can’t wait to see pictures. Take lots of pictures,” Mia said as the women parted.
If the excitement was any indication—and it was a huge indication—Jaxson needed to get started on planning a trip for Mia. He could see the envy sparkling like bright fireworks.
“Don’t worry, I will.”
Gabby blew kisses to them as she headed to the passenger side of the car. Dane shook hands with him, then entered the vehicle as well. Jaxson grabbed Mia’s hand and waved good-bye with her as the two pulled away and ventured off onto their new adventure.
For a present, it wasn’t too bad. He’d have to up his game for next year. It didn’t feel as epic as it should’ve been.
Mia curled into his frame and sighed. A happy, contented sigh.
He kissed the top of her head. “So, what’s our plan for the day?”
She smiled up at him. “Well, I thought you could make me some cookies. I’ve been talking you up at work and some of the production crew wants to try some.”