Page 19 of The Easy Part
A soft hand brushed down his sleeve. He couldn’t help himself. He flexed his muscles, enjoying the way her eyes lit up at the way they contracted beneath her hand.
“It’s been two years since I’ve worn this.”
“I can’t say I’m disappointed at why it doesn’t fit.” She squeezed his bicep, her lips twisting with devilish intent.
Oh, yes. He’d love her right here, standing, in this too-small suit. By the pleasurable look in her eyes, he might get away with it. But he couldn’t forget all the other moments this morning where she looked harried and filled with nerves. He wouldn’t be the cause they were late.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Then her hand ran down his chest softly before unbuttoning his top button. She fingered the two chain necklaces he wore, a whisper of a smile lingering before disappearing. “Don’t wear a tie. You look perfect like this.”
He knew she meant what she said, but he also knew he didn’t look perfect for the look her mother would appreciate.
“We should go.” Then another giggle escaped. “Do you need help getting that off?”
“No, I’m good.”
Yet, when he tried to get one sleeve off, it wouldn’t budge. He felt trapped in the tiny jacket as if they were destined to be late.
“Okay, maybe a bit of help is needed.”
More laughter drifted his way as she lent a hand to get the blasted jacket off him. If he didn’t like wasting something nice, he would’ve ripped it in two getting it off, except it was still a decent jacket and someone else could use it. He’d drop it off at the donation center at some point. It gave him a good excuse to go through the rest of his clothes to see if anything else needed to be replaced.
“We should hurry.”
He grabbed her hand and twirled her back his way before she could escape the room.
“One thing before we leave.”
He slipped his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a ring. Her eyes rounded with surprise as she took one step away. She couldn’t get too far, considering he still held her hand.
Then he slid the ring on her finger, his heart skipping a beat at how perfect it fit, and how wonderful it looked adorning her delicate hand.
“Brick, I can’t…” Her words trailed off, almost as if she had lost her words and what to say. “Where did you get this?”
Her tone had a bit of accusation this time, as if assuming the worst about him for some reason. As if he had bought this ring for another woman at some point in his life and was now passing it off to her to use. Because he didn’t have any time last night to go grab a ring.
“You want this to look legit. You have to wear a ring. It’s no big deal, Jezebelle.” He stole a kiss and stared at the ring beaming brilliantly on her hand before giving her a wink and a nod they should leave. “Come on.”
“Where did you get this?” she repeated.
Tenacious woman. Oh, he loved that about her. The truth wouldn’t hurt him.
But it might bug her.
“It’s my grandmother’s ring. It looks perfect on you.”
Then he walked out of the room, holding her hand, loving and hating the silence.
Loving it because he made her speechless with his pointed words. If he wanted the real deal with her, he’d have to show her he meant business about this entire thing, but not enough to scare her away.
Hating it because he knew he made her uncomfortable giving her a special piece of jewelry. He wouldn’t give just anyone his grandmother’s ring. It meant the world to him. He figured she recognized that as he slid it onto her hand. He hadn’t been able to hide the slight tremble as he did so.
His grandmother would’ve loved Jezebelle and wholeheartedly approved of her.
He didn’t have the same faith in Jezebelle’s mother liking him.
* * *