Page 31 of The Easy Part
“Ican’t say how glad I am you’re here,” Brick said to Dane. They both stared after Jezebelle and Gabby as they headed toward the restrooms to ‘pamper’ themselves as Gabby put it.
He figured Gabby wanted to give Jezebelle a moment to collect herself because they had just seen her mother and Bradley walk into the ballroom. The place was packed with elegant people roaming the room, conversing and mingling with drinks in one hand. He was glad Jezebelle had insisted he wear a tux and that Dominic—who he hadn’t spotted yet—helped him buy the perfect one. It fit like a glove, both comfortable and made him feel like he fit in with this crowd. Even though he really didn’t.
“Well, if I’d have known you were going to be here, I wouldn’t have hemmed and hawed about it. I didn’t want to go, but then Champ told me my father didn’t expect me to. So here I am.” Dane didn’t hide his evil smirk.
“Perfect way to rub it in. Have you said hi yet?”
Brick and Jezebelle had only arrived ten minutes ago, immediately attaching to the couple. He wanted to be surrounded by friendly people before he was forced to converse with the devil herself.
“No. But I’m not sure I plan to either. I waved to Champ. It’s enough for me.” Dane took a sip of his drink. “So, how’s it going with Jezebelle?”
Images from last night swept through his mind. Such beautiful, erotic pictures that he planned to enact once again tonight. Because he could. Because he wanted to savor every spectacular moment with her—before it all disappeared.
“Good. Can’t complain.”
Dane chuckled. “The look in your eyes says it’s more than good.”
Brick couldn’t hide his smile as he lifted his drink and took a sip. “It is. I do worry about her mother. I’m glad I stepped in to help. She’s…” He tossed his head back and forth, not finding the correct words. More like appropriate words to use.
“Yeah, I get it. You don’t have to say anything. If she’s anything like my dad, I get it.”
Brick had no doubt. Dane’s dad treated him like he was a worthless piece of shit. He could do nothing right in his father’s eyes.
Before Brick could escape—to somewhere else in the room—Jezebelle’s mother joined them.
“Excuse us, please.”
She barely looked at Dane as she dismissed him. Brick was surprised she even added the word please.
Brick gave Dane a subtle nod it was okay to walk away.
She pounced on him the moment Dane was out of earshot.
“You’ll never be good enough for my daughter. You do realize that.”
She didn’t make it a question to the end of her last statement. It was more like stamping it as the truth. In her eyes, sure, he’d never be good enough. Not rich enough. Not privileged enough. Didn’t fit the part of a gentleman in her eyes.
“I’m sorry you feel that way. I will be marrying your daughter, whether you like it or not.”
He decided it was best not to beat around the bush with her. She had no intention of doing so.
Their engagement might’ve started as fake, but he’d be damned if he walked away from Jezebelle now. Not because her mother was the devil in disguise, but because the more he spent time with Jezebelle, the more his love went deeper. Last night proved they had a physical connection that couldn’t be replicated. He’d never find another woman who touched his heart, body, and soul as she did.
“You’re delusional if you think so. You have a bar to occupy your time. Things are so easy for you right now, what with having a silent partner as you do.”
Brick’s eyes narrowed. How did she know he didn’t own the bar himself?
“I can tell you right now, I won’t be so silent.”
“What does that mean?”
Her mother’s lips twisted with malice. “Ask your brother.”
Before he could inquire more about the bomb she laid at his feet, Jezebelle joined them. He briefly glanced around, noting Gabby had joined Dane by the bar. Yeah, he could use another drink himself. Lots and lots of alcoholic drinks.
“Hello, Mother.”