Page 67 of The Easy Part
She rolled to her side and groaned as she threw an arm over her head. A tender hand brushed down her side, yet she didn’t open her eyes and turn toward the loving man behind her.
“I take it that your head hurts.”
Ignoring Brick’s teasing, she curled into her side some more.
“Come on, sweetheart. A nice hot shower should help, and then I have a miracle cure for you. First, take this.”
She finally rolled his way when he nudged her twice, obviously refusing to be deterred by her surliness. The cup of water and two pills in his hand looked like a slice of heaven. Hopefully, it would help tame the raging pounding going on inside her head. All the memories flooded back why she didn’t miss college—and the heavy partying she could do.
The pills disappeared from his hand and slid down her throat with ease as she chugged the small glass of water.
His hand wove across her cheek, a tender smile shining at her. “That should help. A shower will, too.”
She was exhausted and would love nothing more than to roll back the other way and close her eyes, but she knew he was right. The longer she stayed in bed, the worse her hangover would feel. Moving around and getting motivated usually helped her. It was just hard to get moving.
He kissed her and winked.
She placed a hand over her mouth and shook her head. “Gross. My morning breath has to be atrocious. Don’t kiss me yet.”
“I’m sure mine isn’t any better.” He chuckled and stared at her as she climbed out of bed completely naked. His eyes glimmered with desire. “Need help washing?”
Her first smile of the morning appeared. “No, but thank you.”
She took her time heading to the bathroom, her head pounding like a bunch of elves going crazy with mallets on small wooden toys. When the hot spray of water hit her back, she sighed instead of groaning. The water felt so good and relaxing against her skin. Thoughts of Brick’s devious smile hit her and she thought he should’ve joined her.
Then a slice of pain knocked on her head and she knew she wouldn’t have been good company for a round of shower sex.
She washed her hair, scrubbed her body, and enjoyed the hot spray until she couldn’t stand the heat any longer. It was nice, but her head still hurt. It didn’t take long to brush her teeth. She combed her wet hair but decided against blow drying it—at least for now.
A smile brightened her face when she saw a plate of toast and eggs waiting for her on the counter. She grabbed a stool and twisted her lips in disgust when she saw a glass of what looked like beer.
“Please tell me that isn’t what I think it is.”
Brick only grinned and pushed it closer. “It’ll help. I promise.”
Doubtful, but her head felt like it was going to explode at any moment, so having a beer couldn’t possibly make it worse. She took a sip, surprised it didn’t go down as nasty as she thought it would. A quarter of the glass disappeared before she set it down and picked up the toast.
“Why don’t you look like you’re in pain? You had as much as I had to drink.”
“I already had my hair of the dog this morning.” He brushed another hand across her cheek. “Not to mention, I’m bigger than you so I can handle more to drink.”
Very true. It didn’t take much for her to feel lightheaded and heading to drunk.
“So what’s on our agenda today? Last day your mother’s in town, right?”
The hope in Brick’s voice made her chuckle. She was ready for a break from her mother, too, so she understood his optimism at the prospect.
“That’s what she told me. Five days.”
He frowned. “Meaning, she might change her plans.”
Jezebelle shrugged and looked down at her plate. “I’m sure Bradley had a chat with her. Her plans aren’t exactly going her way, are they?”
A finger tucked under her chin and lifted, making her meet his eyes. “Have you ever tried sitting down and telling your mother how she makes you feel? The constant put-downs about what you love to do, what you truly want.”
“In so many words, I have. She never listens.”