Page 90 of The Easy Part
Brick stood up from crouching near a box of wine.
“I’m pretty sure it’s Jezey’s dad.”
Well, that was a surprise. Yet he didn’t say so. He simply nodded. “I’ll be right out.”
He figured the man came alone, since Dom didn’t say her mother was with him, but maybe she was waiting in the car or something, ready to deliver a stealth attack.
He shook his head, hoping to dispel those kinds of negative thoughts. There was nothing else this couple could do that would hurt him. They had already tried and failed.
Taking his time walking out, the clipboard suddenly felt heavy in his hand. He was at least grateful Jezebelle wasn’t here. Of course, he’d tell her about the visit—he wanted no secrets between them—but they couldn’t hurt her in person.
He decided he wanted a buffer between them, so he walked behind the bar, put the clipboard by the register, and stopped at the end of the bar where Stan waited.
Stan smiled and sat down. “I ordered a breakfast burrito. The last one I had was delicious.”
“I strive for the best food and service in the city.”
“You do it well.”
Brick didn’t say anything. He knew he did, and he didn’t need this pompous ass telling him something he already knew. If her father had come here looking for an apology from him, he was going to leave disappointed.
They stared at each other.
Neither said a word or even blinked.
Finally, her father dropped his gaze and sighed.
“You know, I had no idea my wife was going to do what she did. Offering money…I’m sickened thinking about it.”
Brick wasn’t sure whether he wanted to believe him or not. It had been two weeks. Two. Damn. Weeks. If the man had nothing to do with it, what took him so long?
“I apologize on behalf of my wife.”
A short laugh came out. “I don’t want your damn apology. If she’s sorry, she can say it.” He leaned closer. “But she’s not because she’s not even here.”
Stan nodded. “She’s embarrassed. She doesn’t do apologies well, but it doesn’t mean she’s not sorry.”
Brick shrugged. “Not sure why you’re even here. I’m not the one who deserves an apology. Your daughter does.”
Stan nodded again. “I’ve always been proud of Jezebelle. I will admit, I did not foresee her marrying in the manner she did, but I can’t say she didn’t pick a good man. I can see you’re good for her. You’ll take care of her. You’ll make her happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Well, it’s too bad your wife doesn’t see it that way.”
“I’m not sure if Jezebelle wants to see us right now.”
Brick crossed his arms and sighed this time. He wasn’t sure he liked where this might be going.
“But I’d like to see my daughter.”
“Nothing’s stopping you.”
Stan looked ashamed. “A lot is stopping me.”
“What do you want from me?”
Because Brick wasn’t sure he wanted to help this man. Yet Jezebelle’s shattered expression at hearing what her mother had done punctured his mind. And he knew he’d do whatever he had to do to wipe that image away.
“I thought a nice family dinner would be good. Make amends. Apologize.”