Page 17 of The Hard Choice
Amelie was back where she belonged and that’s what mattered. Genevieve wronged her right herself, and he respected that as well.
It didn’t mean he wasn’t pissed about the missing hour, worrying, wondering if he’d ever see his daughter again. He might not be the world’s best dad, but he damn sure tried.
When he didn’t respond to his brother or the mean-looking stare thrown his way from Gabby, her partner, Jaxson, piped in.
“At least give us her name. I know you know it.”
Corey swiveled his direction to Jaxson. “How do you know I know that?”
A sly grin emerged. “I just know.” Then Jaxson frowned. “Why are you protecting this woman?”
“Yeah, why?” Ricky snapped.
He wouldn’t say he was protecting her per se… well, okay, maybe he was a little bit. But they weren’t there. They didn’t hear her broken voice. The sadness and regret mingled with each word. He knew those emotions so well. They wouldn’t understand if he tried to explain.
“I’d like to have a word with her,” Dane said from behind him.
Corey didn’t turn his head to see the anger on Dane’s face. He could hear it.
“Not happening, mister,” Gabby replied.
Dane huffed but didn’t say anything. Corey knew Dane felt responsible this even happened. If he hadn’t gone to the bathroom when Gabby went downstairs to break up the fight, Genevieve would’ve never had the chance to take Amelie to begin with. But he did. It happened. Now it was over.
Corey wanted to move on. Think about the upcoming doctor appointment and what questions he should ask. He had so many, yet when he contemplated writing them down, they sounded so stupid. Normal people didn’t ask stupid questions. He was far from normal. He was broken. Messed up. A former druggie. Obviously, the drugs fried too many of his brain cells, and that was the last thing he wanted to show the doctor. They could potentially take Amelie away from him.
“I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation.” Ricky continued his pacing.
Corey leaned forward and set the bottle down after Amelie had drained every last sip of the formula. Then he propped her up with her stomach on his chest and her head on his shoulder and started lightly tapping her back. He even had a burb cloth laying over him to catch any spit-up. Because when his daughter burped, it wasn’t always pretty. He’d learn early on to have a burp cloth near him at all times.
“Look, Corey, I won’t arrest her if you don’t want me to, but I need her name. I’d like to have a word with her. She could try to pull something like this again. Do you want that happening?” This time Gabby spoke softer, with less anger in her voice. As if she suddenly realized she had to change her tactics with him.
Damn it. It was working.
He met her gaze. Yep. Less anger, more worry.
“I don’t think she will.”
Gabby cocked a brow and waited.
He sighed. They wouldn’t get off his back if he didn’t give them something.
“I don’t want to press charges. You wanna chat with her, fine. Her name is Genevieve Carlton. She said she was best friends with Melanie. That’s all I know.”
That’s all he cared to know.
While he could show this one act of kindness by not pressing charges, he was still royally pissed off at her for taking his daughter.
He’d never forgive her for that.
* * *
Genevieve pulleda bottle of wine from the fridge, then immediately put it back. Getting drunk would not erase the memory of what she had done today. She still couldn’t believe she had done what she had.
Stolen a baby.
Who did something like that?
Not her. Sweet, by-the-book Genevieve Carlton. Teacher’s pet. Mama’s favorite. Daddy’s little girl.