Page 28 of The Hard Choice
“Yeah, like a date.”
“A date?”
Geez, what was her brother up to?
“She can’t. She has plans with me.”
She and her brother swung their attention to the opening of the hallway where Corey stood. His lips were in a tight line, his body rigid and tense. His fists weren’t clenched, but a muscle in his cheek told her he was exerting a certain amount of energy to hold himself back.
But it couldn’t be. He hated her.
“And who the hell are you?” Oliver asked, standing taller.
Corey crossed his arms. “Who the hell are you? Can’t you tell when a woman isn’t interested? Because I heard it clear as day.”
Aww, how sweet. The man who hated her guts was sticking up for her when he had no need to. Apparently, he thought her hesitation and questioning tone to her brother’s questions were apprehension to leave with him. It was endearing—and so strange—to know Corey would set aside his anger and help her out.
Oliver looked at her. “Why is he in your apartment?”
His question told her it had finally dawned on Oliver who Corey was. Her brother wasn’t stupid and was also very good at what he did. He’d been a PI for the past ten years and was one of the best in the city. He had a good memory and lots of patience. He had seen Corey’s picture when he ran his information.
Instead of answering Oliver’s question, she walked around, putting herself between the two men just in case. She knew her brother could potentially step in and throw a punch. He’d been known to get into a fight or two in his life. And Corey, he was a wild card. She didn’t know what he might do, but it was best to put herself between the two to thwart anything.
“Corey, this is my brother, Oliver.”
Corey uncrossed his arms and let them dangle by his sides, the muscle in his cheek twitching again. “Why in the hell would your brother ask you on a date? That’s gross.”
Despite the seriousness of the question, she giggled. “It is. I agree. He’s a PI. I imagine it has something to do with that.”
When she looked at her brother, he nodded. If he wanted her to wear the slutty blue dress, she could only imagine what he wanted.
“Gonna answer my question now and tell me why he’s in your apartment?” Oliver said through clenched teeth.
“He had questions about Melanie.” She looked hopeful at Corey. “Did you find anything good yet?”
Corey nodded. “Paperwork from a pediatrician she took Amelie a few times. Thank you so much for letting me go through the box. It was a huge help.”
“Great. I’m so happy to hear that.”
“Me, too. You can leave now.” Oliver pointed to the door.
“Oliver, stop being rude.” This was embarrassing, her brother acting like this. Corey hadn’t done anything wrong. She had. Yet, Oliver was making it appear like Corey had been the bad guy all along.
“I don’t want him in here.”
“Well, tough shit. I didn’t ask you about it, now did I?” She walked up to her brother and poked his chest. “Now show some manners or get out. You want me to wear my hooker dress for some odd reason, you knock it off.”
She slowly turned back toward Corey, who still looked tense, but no muscles jumped in his cheek, so his emotions had settled some. His eyes were filled with rage, yet a shimmer of desire. Of course, she ignored it as she had earlier when he had taken his fill of her.
“Are you all done or do you need more time?”
“There wasn’t much in there. I got what I needed.”
It was sad to think Melanie had left so little in life. One small box to her name.
So she wouldn’t think about it. Nothing good ever came from going down that rabbit hole of loneliness.