Page 36 of The Hard Choice
His heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“You know she can’t eat one, right?” He chuckled, then shifted again, hoping his cock would settle down.
Every time he looked at her—which was pretty constant right now—it twitched with anticipation like he was going to get some tonight.
He might still have some sour anger toward her about what she had done, but hell, she was also a beautiful woman and hard to ignore. Hard to look away from when she captivated him. Especially holding his daughter who looked like she loved Genevieve as much as Genevieve loved Amelie in return.
“Well, yeah, but I couldn’t help myself.” Her eyes turned away. “I figured we could at least celebrate. It’s exciting. A half year old.”
“You won’t see me saying no. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
Then it got silent. She stared at Amelie while she sucked heavily at her bottle. He tried to look everywhere but at her. Failed miserably, too.
If he was smart, he’d let her finish feeding Amelie and be on her way.
Except, he made bad, rash decisions all his life. Why would he change now?
“I bought one of those blanket things. You know, to document each month. You lay her on it, then circle the month she just hit. I mean, I don’t share it on social media like others do, but I like doing it.”
Genevieve looked at him. He could feel his cheeks burning at such a confession. He didn’t even show anyone else it—not even Ricky. It was his and Amelie’s little secret. He wasn’t even sure why it embarrassed him to admit it.
“I know what you’re talking about. They’re super cute.”
He nodded, shifting again. Damn it, she was smiling at him again. “If you want to stay for when I do that, you can.”
Her eyes brightened with joy. “I’d love that.”
“I was thinking of ordering a pizza. If you want some, too.”
Why were these words slipping out of his mouth? It was one thing to do something for Amelie but another to ask her to stay…well, for him.
As much as he hated to even admit it to himself, he wasn’t ready for her to leave so soon like she usually did.
“Yeah, I could eat. Thanks.”
She set the bottle down and picked up Amelie, put her stomach against her chest, and started to pat her back.
“Burb cloth,” he said quickly, then jumped up and grabbed one lying on the coffee table.
Another beautiful smile hit her lips as he laid it over her shoulder after she moved Amelie slightly.
Time for some space.
“I’m going to get the blanket and call for the pizza.”
Then he hightailed it down the hallway and shut his bedroom door as if the extra barrier would stop him from fantasizing about things he shouldn’t.
“She’s not good for you. She took your baby. She…” He rested his forehead against the door, sighing. “She’s not selfish like you want to say. She made a mistake like you’ve done countless times.”
Damn it.
She deserved his forgiveness.
Yet, the moment he did that, his last barrier to keep her out of his arms would be gone. There would nothing to stop him from kissing her breathless and getting her under him. He didn’t even think knowing she had a boyfriend would stop him anymore.