Page 51 of The Hard Choice
The panic inside him vanished. It wasn’t a date. He hadn’t lost her quite yet. Although, he didn’t like hearing that either. Every time her brother wanted her help, he worried. Stayed up all night with his mind churning horrible scenarios and didn’t calm down until the next morning when he could physically see she was okay.
“He likes your help a little too much. You’re not wearing the hooker dress, are you?”
She smiled. “No, not that one.”
Not that one, but it still meant she was planning on dressing up tonight. Sexy and beautiful and no doubt going to have all the men’s eyes on her.
He hated it.
“And I don’t mind helping him on occasion. Sometimes, it’s fun. Sometimes, it’s boring.” She turned as if going for the door, but didn’t move. “Thanks for the invite of pizza. Another time?”
He took a step closer, aching deep inside to close the distance. “Yeah, for sure. Be safe tonight.”
“I always am.”
He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to pull her close and convince her to stay—all night long. In his bed. Wrapped in his arms.
“Well, um, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“Yep. Have a good night.”
Then she was gone and he was kicking himself for not making a move. Another chance come and gone.
A month later, when she dropped off Amelie on Easter Sunday, he thought he’d try again, asking her to stay for pizza. Sure, it had taken another month for him to find the nerve, but he had convinced himself it was better to leave things alone. To let the status quo stay the same.
Her expression fell once again. “I said I’d teach the seven o’clock class tonight. I’m sorry.”
“No biggie. I haven’t eaten yet and thought I’d offer.”
She looked as crestfallen as he felt. Why did they keep dancing around this sexual tension? Why didn’t he kiss her and get it over with?
Amelie babbled, crawling past him to her stuffed bear she saw near her tummy time mat. His daughter had been on the move the past two weeks and it was hard to keep up with her. She was growing like a weed and becoming more aware and alert every day. Eight and half months old, and he wanted time to slow down.
But she was also the reason he held himself back from making a move on Genevieve. Things were great where they were and he knew sex would mess with it. It always came back to that. Common sense always won.
“Thanks for the offer. Definitely another time.”
That’s what she had said the last time and it never happened. He could only remind himself it was for the best.
He nodded, then snapped his fingers. “I have something for you.” He grabbed one of the Easter baskets on his counter and handed it to her. “Amelie likes her new teddy bear I got her this morning. Well, the Easter Bunny got her. I thought I’d—the Easter Bunny—would give you something, too.”
Her eyes lit up with happiness as she grabbed the basket.
He hoped she liked everything. It had been embarrassing as hell to walk into the book store and stroll down the romance aisle, but hey, the things you did for love.
He froze, the feeling flowing through him like a turbulent current about to sweep him away.
That damn word again.
As her eyes watered with unshed tears, her smile lit up the room as she sighed joyfully over the books he had picked. He knew.
He loved this woman.
He wouldn’t buy romance novels for just anyone.
“This is…amazing. Thank you, Corey. That was thoughtful of you.”