Page 10 of Savage
She heard the solemn beat long before she saw them. A double row of drummers marched into the square. The crowd parted automatically to make way for them. The drummers kept up the cadence as they headed for the platform. When they reached it, they peeled away two by two, taking their places with their backs to the crowd, creating a narrow path from the base of the Citadel to the wooden steps leading up to the platform.
AJ heard the door behind her open. She took one last look at the scene below then turned. Two new soldiers stood by the door, waiting.
She took a deep breath, straightened to her full height plus the extra six inches added by the sandals, and walked with as much dignity as she could muster out the door to meet her fate.
Chapter Five
Kaden swore under his breath. He had been summoned to the square as General Tok’s honored guest. There’d be no opportunity to explore the city alone while everyone’s attention was on the Correction.
The general had a private viewing area set up on the wide stone walkway at the top of the steps to the Citadel, with a row of chairs on either side of his enormous carved wooden seat. Although Petra purported to be a free zone where men could dwell as equals, Tok’s chair looked suspiciously like a throne to Kaden.
Crowds of rowdy spectators packed the square by the time he arrived. He climbed the long flight of steps and presented himself to the general, inclining his head as he’d seen other civilians do. He was grateful he held no military rank here, damned if he’d salute the man.
“Please, sit here beside me. You have not had the experience of witnessing a Correction. It is a custom unique to our country, one that allows our society to function without the annoying discord between the sexes found in other nations. Perhaps the people of New Atlantis will embrace it as well, one day.”
Kaden made no response, merely nodding to acknowledge the general’s statement. If Tok had any idea why he was really in Petra, he’d never have been invited to sit by the general’s side.
“As you can see, attendance is compulsory for all the men, and for the harlots as well. Our Seraphs are forbidden to be here. The spectacle is considered far too arousing for them to witness the proceedings. I’m sure you’ll understand why after seeing the ceremony. Although I’m sure many have heard tales of what goes on here from their masters.”
The general went on. “Is Petra all you had hoped it would be?”
“It is certainly unique.”
Tok beamed. “Men live as gods here, worshipped and adored by females. As it should be. But I am concerned. I have heard you do not visit the Lyceum. My advisors tell me you haven’t been there since your first night in Petra. Are none of the harlots to your liking?”
Kaden worded his response carefully. “Truth be told, I prefer my women to have a bit more…fire.”
Tok laughed. “You want to be the one teaching her what it means to be mastered, eh? I like you, Kaden. And I’ve heard favorable reports of your conduct since you joined us. You are a man of action, but you have a way with words. Although you are new here, the other men respect you already. I have plans for you. Our mining operation is expanding. We need a spokesman to travel around Neodyma and recruit new workers from among the other societies here.”
The general leaned closer, lowering his voice. “I have a surprise for you. The female being punished tonight needs plenty of instruction on being properly submissive. She had the nerve to invade our city. Alone. Dressed as a man!”
Tok shook his head. “Can you believe it? As is our custom, she will undergo Correction by the high priest. Then she’ll be taken to a private wing here in the Citadel before being sent to the Lyceum to join the other harlots. I am giving her to you for the night. As my gift. You will have the privilege of being the first to master her.”
The general paused, as though waiting for thanks.
Kaden lowered his eyes so Tok wouldn’t see the loathing there and inclined his head again. “You honor me.”
A murmur went up front the crowd, halting their conversation. Kaden saw the small procession making its way to the platform in time with the steady beat of the drums.
First came the high priest, Thelo. Kaden had only seen him once before, briefly, in the street. That day he’d worn a loose white robe that covered him from head to toe, leaving only his powerful arms bare.
Tonight he was dressed like an Egyptian pharaoh, with an ornate headdress. A short pleated garment covered the lower half of his body, showing off his broad chest. Kaden was impressed. He himself stood six foot seven, with muscles built up from years of rigorous training in all forms of hand-to-hand combat. But, standing next to the high priest’s impressive physique, he’d look like a lad not yet fully grown.
Two soldiers followed, with a tall robed figure between them. A long shapeless garment like the ones worn by the seraphs covered her body, and a dark veil had been thrown over her head.
She walked slowly, with an odd, mincing gait. As they drew closer to the platform, Kaden realized it was because of the sandals she wore. With high wooden platforms, the sandals added at least half a foot to her already imposing height.
When he’d seen her in the street, she’d walked hunched over, her bearing timid and deferential. Now, even with robes and veils covering her entire body, he could see that her head was held high. She carried herself like a queen – or a soldier. He watched her, suddenly interested.
They mounted the steps to the platform. Thelo raised his hands, and the drums quickened. The woman was brought to stand before him, her back to the crowd. Thelo untied her wrists. Then he reached out and, in one sharp move, tore the front of her robe from neck to waist.
The garment fell to her feet, exposing her naked body. The prisoner had strong shoulders for a woman. Her body narrowed at the waist then flared out again at the hips. Firm, nicely rounded ass. Long shapely legs. Too skinny, perhaps, by Petran standards. But not for Kaden. He preferred a supple, slender body, one that could bend and twist into all manner of erotic poses.
The crowd roared.
His cock stirred.
He’d told Tok he preferred a woman with a bit of fire. This one certainly seemed to have it. Even knowing what lay in store for her, she refused to be cowed. She straightened her shoulders and raised her chin to meet Thelo’s eyes.