Page 13 of Risk
I must be more fucked up than I thought, one minute we are talking about Tyler being dead, and the next I’m under a man who is dangerous to my very soul, dry humping him like a hormonal teen.
Embarrassment has me taking my time, in no rush to face either of the men in the other room.
What the fuck was I thinking kissing her like that, forcing myself on her. I know her history I’m not a complete arsehole, although some may disagree. The guilt over the death of Tyler so clear on her face. She actually blames herself, and what a fucking load of shit that is. I needed her to feel something good, and my dick was in total agreement with that stupid fucking plan. Still is, painfully so, I might add. Spouting that bullshit about having blood on her hands made me so fucking angry, and as I’m a twisted son of a bitch, it made my dick stand to attention too.
I watched as the shame washed over her when I stopped her, and I saw the thoughts running through her mind clear as day. She thinks she’s damaged, that I stopped her because I wouldn’t want someone like her. Well, fuck that shit! I don’t want no pampered fucking princess, and I see the darkness in her eyes, it calls to me. Like I said, twisted son of a bitch.
“You want to explain to me what the fuck I just walked in on?” Rick demands, stepping down into the lounge.
“Not really, no.” I take a seat, running my hand over my face. “Look we were talking about Tyler, she got upset and almost passed out. I was trying to be a fucking gentleman.”
“What by fucking her?”
“Fuck you, man. It wasn’t like that, and besides, I don’t have to fucking explain myself to you,” I say, then lean back, putting my hands behind my head. Looking over to Sully, I say, “She thinks it’s her fault Tyler’s dead, and she…”
“Hold on a second, how does she know Tyler’s dead? I never told her that,” Rick says. Then I remember what she said before I kissed her, about Sean sending messages to her phone with a video or something. When I tell Sully, his face pales and mines not far behind when I think of the implications of Sean knowing her number.
“Do you think he knows where she is? Maybe Tyler gave her up before Sean finished him off. Fuck!” I slam my fist into the seat beside me.
“So, let’s assume that Sean told her about Tyler, to make her feel guilty, which obviously worked, but just because he has her number doesn’t mean he knows her location. I don’t believe Tyler would give her up, not for a second. The phones a burner and difficult to trace, as we well know, and I told her to destroy it after reading the messages.” Sully doesn’t saylet’s hope she did, but we’re both thinking it.
While we wait for Camryn to return, Sully tells me he brought a couple of the guys I asked for with him to help watch her while she’s at work or if I can’t be there. I can’t say I’m happy about it, but Russ and Scott are good guys and I trust them. Despite the fact I want to fuck her, make her body sing and hear her screaming my name, I have a job to do and that has to come first. This job has been in the works for the last three years, we can’t afford for anything to screw it up, especially as Tyler paid with his life getting the intel we need to take Sean Donovan down.
I didn’t lie to Camryn about my job, the three of us do run a security company, I just didn’t disclose the other side of our business, and the shady shit we do for the even shadier clients that employ our services.
As well as the usual security guard detail for businesses, events and the rich and famous, which mostly consists of babysitting spoilt little daddy’s girls, we also work for the police and government. We have several private investigators and undercover operatives, like Tyler, who we use to infiltrate corrupt businesses and criminal organisations, and being ex-army means the wonderfully corrupt government get to take advantage of all our skills with no comeback if it goes tits up. Like with Tyler. He won’t get the funeral he deserves without blowing our op and that’s fucked up.
I hear the bathroom door and minutes later Camryn walks back into the room. As she walks towards us, I watch her carefully, but she’s put the mask back in place. Just as she reaches us I catch her eye, I see it, the shame and embarrassment, but I also see the want in her eyes right before she drops them to the floor and taking a seat across from me. That move has me clenching my fists at my side, and no matter how much I try to catch her eye again she refuses to meet mine.
“Blue tells me that you may have had some other messages, and that Sean sent them to you,” Rick asks, getting straight to the point. It pisses me off, but I keep quiet.
Camryn sits with her hands in her lap, and I can see her rubbing her thumb and fore finger together, a clear sign of her anxiety. Bypassing me all together she raises her head, lifting her chin and looks straight at Sully.
“Yes, there were messages,” she swallows, taking a breath before she continues, “and a video that—” she licks her lips, then places her hands under her legs, “that showed Sean torturing Tyler.” Her voice breaks a little on that last bit and has me itching to go to her, but I stay where I am. She’s not as weak or fragile as she thinks. I’ve seen the darkness that glints in her eyes, and I’ve felt her need for vengeance. It’s beautiful. Whatever Sean did to this beautiful woman hasn’t broken her, like he thought. No, this is a woman who is ready to fight back.
“Where is the phone, Camryn? Did you destroy it like I told you to?” Rick’s gaze flicks to me before going back to Cam.
“No, it’s at the house. I know you told me to get rid of it, but I thought that maybe you could use the video as evidence,” she says, a little unsure now. She watches Sully, but she doesn’t give away the fear that I know is just below the surface. “I’ve had that phone for the last six months, and yes, he may have got the number, but I know they aren’t easy to trace and it’s switched off. I’m not a complete idiot.” A little indignation coming into her voice.
“Okay. Blue can collect it from you when he takes you home. Just as a precaution I have a couple of guys that will be tailing you.” I see the moment she goes to argue but Sully cuts her off, “They will be discreet, you won’t even know they are there. And, like I said it’s a precautionary measure.”
“One you’ll take” I add, and that has Camryn finally looking my way. The glare she’s throwing me would cut a lesser man down. Me, not so much. I just want to spank her arse before I take her hard against the nearest surface. I shift to ease the discomfort of my raging hard cock, as an image of Cam laid out on the coffee table flashes through my mind.
“You think one kiss gives you the right to order me around? I don’t fucking think so!” Now she’s looking at me. There’s a fire in her eyes that sets me alight. I lean forward, elbows resting on my knees and offer her a dimpled smile. Then I mask my emotions and show her I mean business.
“No,sweetheart, I don’t, but my job does. So, in that vein, you’ll do as you’re told.” Then I drop back in my seat. The shock on her face tells me I hit a sore spot, and the devil on my shoulder preens at that. I can see Sully in the corner of my eye cover a smirk with his hand.
She doesn’t engage me further, instead turns back to Sully, where they continue to discuss her security detail. I’ll let her think that Sully’s in charge, for now. But she’s mistaken if she thinks she or Sully have any say in her safety. I protect what’s mine. Mine, now there’s a word I’ve never used in a sentence when talking about a woman before, but I put it to the back of my mind. Where it’s going to fucking stay.
A half hour later, Sully is ready to leave and asks me to show him out. After saying goodbye to Cam, I follow him to the lift.
“What’s up?” I ask, once we are out of ear shot.
“I’ve had a message that Sean might have a man in Manchester.” I scowl at him. “It only just came through, so it’s a new development, and I don’t know how accurate it is. It also doesn’t mean that they are here for her, although it’s highly suspicious. You just need to be on your guard, that’s all. I’ll keep you posted, oh and, Blue, try and keep it in your pants, yeah? We can’t afford for your dick to fuck us all over.”