Page 8 of Risk
Obviously hearing us, he lifts his head, and his eyes immediately find mine. Woah! That is fucking hot as hell. His head is tilted slightly allowing his hair to fall forward as his stare penetrates right through me. To the very bones of me. A shiver runs through my body that has goosebumps spreading across my skin like waves on the shore. I break our gaze when I hear Jamie behind me asking if I know him.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know him.” Without another word, I walk down the drive towards him, and it’s like my feet have a mind of their fucking own. When I reach him, he rises to his full height, towering over me, and now I’m face to face with his broad chest. I have to crane my neck to be even close to looking him in the eye, but it does make me realise just how close to him I am. More than that, I’m not even afraid, and that thought has my mind in a complete spin.
Taking a step back, so as not to end up with a crook neck, I finally meet his eyes. And boy, are they pretty fucking eyes. I remember seeing them at Rick’s, but I certainly don’t remember how stunningly blue they are. They are an azure blue, the exact colour of the sky on a clear day and it feels like I could take a swim in them.
“Hey,” is all I manage to get out of my mouth before it dries up like the Sahara dessert. The corner of his lip quirks up, and a dimple appears that has my heart literally skipping a beat at the sight. I’m so screwed.
“Hey, Bambi, good to see you again. You going to introduce me to your friends?” he says, flicking his eyes over my shoulder to where I’m absolutely certain the girls are standing with their jaws on the floor.
After quick introductions, to Jess and Marie, whose taxi couldn’t have arrived at a better time, we say our goodbyes and head inside. I can feel eyes on me the whole way into the house, in fact, I can feel two sets of eyes on me, and it’s making me nervous.
We move to the lounge, and as Blue takes a seat, Jamie acts the perfect host offering him a drink. I already know what’s coming.
“Err…Cam, can you join me in the kitchen for a second, please?” Jamie asks, before heading that way. To be honest I’m grateful for the reprieve because I feel like I’m caught in a riptide and the sea is about to swallow me whole. I have no idea how I’m supposed to explain this to her.‘Jamie, this is Blue. We met when I went to his friend to get a new identity.’You know, ‘cause that’s an everyday occurrence. When I shared my story with Jamie, I left huge parts out, and now I feel like it’s all going to be exposed.
I’m not ready for that, not ready at all! My chest begins to tighten, anxiety kicking in as I move towards the kitchen.
The instant we enter the kitchen, Jamie whirls around on me and I brace myself for the questions.
“Start talking. I want to know everything.” I can see the sparkle of excitement in her eyes, and I’m a little surprised. “I’m assuming, you know, as you’re not screaming the walls down, he’s not the ex?” She moves around the kitchen as she waits me out. Come on Camryn, think for fuck sakes, think!
“Err…No, not the ex. He’s just a guy I met before I came to Manchester, no one important,” I say, with a shrug.
“You wound me, Bambi.” The sound of Blue’s rich, velvety smooth voice right behind me has my hand flying to my chest in fright, but I don’t turn around, I can’t. My feet are stuck to the floor.
I hear the slight rustle of clothes then the warmth of his hands on the tops of my arms and that’s it. That right there is my breaking point. I spin away so fast it makes me dizzy.
“Don’t touch me!” The venomous edge to my tone has Jamie arching a brow in surprise. I hold my hands out warning them to stay back as Jamie takes a step forward.
I try to take a few deep breaths, but my chest feels like it’s in a vice slowly crushing me in its jaws and every breath tightens the screws. My eyes dart around the room looking for an escape, and then they land on Blue’s. His brow is drawn together, but his eyes remain soft. I see the confusion in them and the apology, but it’s not enough to calm me. I’m lost to the vision of another’s hands on me.
We’d beenout for our usual date night when Sean had taken a call halfway through the evening, and ever since, his mood had soured. I had assumed it was because of the call, and maybe it was partly, but once we arrived home it become all too clear that wasn’t the only reason.
As soon as we entered the house, he lost his shit, shouting and screaming in my face about how I had flirted with the waiter, giving him the eye all night. I knew what was coming, and that my night would end with me bruised and broken, again. I just had no idea how very bad it would be. He slapped me across the face, and as I tried to run, Lewis grabbed my arms from behind, his grip on my biceps was bruising.
“Fucking hold her still. This little whore needs to learn a lesson, and I’m going to enjoy it so very fucking much,” he shouted, sneering at me. He grabbed his crotch, and I could clearly see the outline of his hard dick.
Sean started slapping me again, my lip split, and blood trickled to the floor. Lewis was still holding me, and I could hear the smile in his grunt when I tried to pull my arms free.
“You want to act like a whore, then I’ll fucking treat you like one.” Sean pulled his favourite knife from his pocket, and the colour drained from my face. I already knew the pain of that blade. Stepping forward, he grabbed my chin in a vice like grip, yanking my head back to him when I tried to turn away from him. “I’m going to show you how I fuck whores, and then maybe I’ll let Lewis here have a go too.”
Then I begged. “No, Sean. Please, I’ll be good, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. I’ll keep my eyes to the floor, I promise.” I remember searching the room looking for someone that might help me, but it was pointless. Nobody gave a shit.
He slapped be again, and before I could recover, he ripped my dress open, running the flat edge of the knife down my cheek to my collarbone. When he reached the centre of my breasts, he flipped it, pressing the pointed tip into my flesh and piercing the skin. I felt the flow of warm blood as it seeped from my skin. The metallic smell had made my stomach clench and bile rise in my throat. Pulling the knife away, he slid it under my bra and yanked forward, slicing my bra in two. A whimper left me, and I felt the first tear fall down my cheek.
I started begging again, but it made no difference. Sean cut the rest of my underwear away, leaving me standing there in the shredded remains of my dress. Lewis’ hold on me remained, and when Sean reached out to touch my naked breast, I flinched backwards. Lewis practically purred as my arse made contact with his crotch. He held me, watched and enjoyed every second of Sean’s assault on my body, and when Sean removed his belt, undoing his trousers, I knew right then that this would be the worst night of my life.
Coming out of the memory,I watch as Blue steps back, holding his hands up and mirroring my own.
“It’s okay, I won’t come any closer, I promise.” I can feel his sincerity, but my fucked-up brain won’t allow me to believe it. “How about…” he pauses, looking to Jamie, and from the corner of my eye I see the silent conversation pass between them. This time when Blue speaks, he’s more confident, assured about whatever it is he’s going to say. “How about I go back to the lounge and leave you two alone for a minute? Jamie can make that drink she promised me, and then we can talk, huh. That sound good?” He’s talking to me like a frightened child, it’s patronising as hell, but I get it.
I feel like a cornered animal. My body is ready to fight back without a thought for the repercussions, and adrenaline has flooded my system as my fight or flight response kicks in. I just nod my head; it’s all my body is capable of right now. Immediately, Blue edges backwards, lowering his hands as he goes. He doesn’t turn or look away until he reaches the door to the lounge, and then he disappears from sight altogether.
My breath leaves me, one I didn’t even know I was holding, and I sink to the floor, drawing my knees into my chest with my head back on the kitchen cupboard. I’m conscious of movement, but I don’t open my eyes or look to the sound because I know it’s just Jamie. She’s giving me time and space, and she has no idea how thankful I am for it. I sit there as a whispered conversation floats to me from the lounge, one I only catch snippets from.
And I sit.
I don’t know how long I stay there for, but it feels like the longest time. Eventually, I become aware of someone sitting next to me.