Page 86 of Reckless
“Fucking wonderful. Explains why he was trying to help Natalia though, but it now means unless we can get her to talk, we’ve got fuck all.”
“I know, but Ray is trying to find out what they already have from Tank and see if we can pair it up with what we have to strengthen the case.”
“Who’s at the safe house now?” I ask.
“I had to pull Scott from Louise for now, but Dom is staying with her, and he has a couple of guys he trusts. We are going to have to look at recruiting a few more bodies if things keep going the way they are,” Ricks muses.
“I have a buddy that might be interested,” Dean says.
“Ex-army?” Rick asks.
“Nope. Ex-marine. Guy’s a fucking machine.”
“Good. Set it up as soon as. I have a feeling we are going to need all the help we can get.”
“We have another problem.” I pause, and Rick turns to me expectantly. “Seems one Detective Williams came knocking while we were out this morning.”
Rick hums under his breath contemplatively as the front door opens and feet pound down the hall. Jamie rounds the corner going so fast she almost loses her footing on the tiled floor.
She launches herself at me before I can say anything, squeezing her arms so tight around my neck she almost strangles me. When I tell her so, she steps back, slapping me hard on the chest.
“If I had a gun, I’d fucking shoot you myself,” she threatens, and I almost laugh until I see the serious look in her eye, getting the distinct impression she’s not joking in the least.
Jay and Ryder join us in the already small kitchen, making it almost impossible to move. I sit back on the stool, dragging Jamie with me, who doesn’t object as she seems reluctant to let me go.
“How did it go with Natalia?” I ask.
From the look Jay gives me, not good, but it’s Jamie that answers.
“She won’t talk. She doesn’t believe she’s safe and definitely doesn’t trust the old bill. In fact, she outright accused them of being involved in it.”
Jamie’s phone rings, frowning as she checks the caller ID, and I watch as she steps away to answer it. As she turns her back, I silently step up behind her to eavesdrop.
At the sound of a male voice, I tap her shoulder, and she spins round as I mouth to her to put it on speaker. I wave my arm to the guys to shut them up, and as they quieten down, I tell her to put it on speaker again. Scowling at me, she slowly pulls the phone from her ear, hitting the speaker button, and Jasper’s voice fills the room.
“Jamie, are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m still here,” Jamie replies nervously. I understand this isn’t the best conversation for us to all be listening to as she just found out she’s the spitting image of his dead wife.
I offer her smile, nodding to keep going.
“I need to speak with you. Can we meet?” Jasper asks.
Jamie is shaking her head as she begins to reply, “I don’t—” I nod my head for her to agree, and swallow down the fear that the idea of her meeting him brings. “Okay. Where?” she asks.
He tells her to meet him at the coffee shop down the road from here tomorrow afternoon, which is as suspicious as hell. There’s one closer to her house, so why make her come all this way unless he knows she’s here.
Ending the call, I’m ready for the fury that’s about to be unleashed. “What the fuck was that, Seb? Why do I need to see the man who thinks I’m his dead wife reincarnated, huh?”
“Because he was here this morning while we were out.” I hear Jay cursing behind me.
“And how the hell would you know that if no one was here?” she asks suspiciously.
“I had an alarm and cameras installed yesterday for this very reason.” Some of her anger seeps away, and she goes back to the kitchen, where we talk more about Jasper’s role in all of this, and Jamie makes a valid point about him not being at Tempest Friday, although that doesn’t mean he isn’t involved.
Jamie asks Rick about her mum and dad, and he reassures her they are both okay. The PI hasn’t managed to turn up anything other than a woman that Dom went to meet for lunch, and when Rick describes her, recognition blooms in Jamie’s eyes.
“Sounds like the same woman I saw him with outside his work, and I swear I saw her at Tempest too, but I have no idea who she is, only that her and my dad seemed…friendly.” The word friendly comes out with a slight sneer, and I guess she’s the woman she thought her dad was having an affair with.