Page 9 of Reckless
I know she’s worried, and mad as hell, but she has enough to worry about right now. She’s having a freaking baby for Christ’s sake. She does not need me stressing her out any more than I already have, so I’ll go there tomorrow, like the model friend I used to be, placate her concern, and then deal with my shit. On my own and however I like. Yeah, I’m a shitty friend.
I grab a beer from the fridge and head upstairs to get ready to meet Jasper. Time to do a little digging. I might not know Seb well, but I do know that today, whatever it was, it’s not good.
My dad would say I’m just like him, and I have a nose for a good story. Me on the other hand, would say I’m a nosy cow, and curiosity always gets the better of me. Curiosity also killed the cat, but screw that. This is one kitty who still has her nine lives. Wait, make that eight thanks to Russ. I shudder at the thought of what that fuckhead did to me. I shake it off and swig my beer as I head to the bathroom feeling like I need another shower. Needing to wash away the memories.
An hour later, I step out of the taxi outside a new bar in town. Although Jasper had said he would cook, I don’t feel like eating, and I can’t afford to get distracted by being all cosy with him. So, I suggested we go out somewhere, and this is it. Tempest. The newest club in town, and the only reason I’ve not been, is because it’s exclusive. Members only. Apparently, Tempest is a high-end club for businessmen and socialites. And detectives by the looks of it.
There is only a small line of people waiting to be vetted by the bouncers, mostly men, but a few have a woman on their arm. The only woman that’s alone seems familiar, but from this angle I can’t see her face. She’s wearing a red bodycon dress that shows off her shapely figure beautifully, and the matching red heels with a gold heel show off her long legs. Her blonde hair is pinned up with several loose strands at the front, that I imagine frame her face. As though she can feel me looking at her, she turns my way, and I finally get a look at her face.
Shit! It’s the woman my dad met outside work the day Cam went for her interview. I step forward wanting to speak with her, but before I can, my line of sight is blocked.
“Here she is. You look beautiful, Jamie,” Jasper greets, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. I try to look round him, but I can’t. And when he pulls back, moving to the side, the woman is gone. “Hey, you okay? You look a little spooked.”
“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I thought I saw somebody I know, but…” I trail off, my mind wondering to my dad and this woman. Who is she? What does she have to do with my dad? Fingertips on my face bring me back, and I look into Jasper’s beautiful blue eyes and see concern. “I did it again. I’m sorry.” I let out a little laugh and push the woman and my dad to the back of my mind. “I’m all yours. Show the way, Jasper.” I link my arm through his and let him lead me to the door.
Jasper greets the bouncers like old friends, and once we enter, he greets the woman who offers to take our jackets the same way.
She’s dressed in short black hotpants, fish nets and a waistcoat, the deep V shows more cleavage than I care to see. Her bottle blond hair is tied in a ponytail that hangs down to her shoulders. I don’t miss the look she gives him. A look that tells me she’d like to or already has sampled Jasper’s goods. She is mistaken if she thinks her hand on his arm as she greets him, or the brush of her fingers to his as she takes his jacket bothers me. I give her a buttery sweet smile when she turns her attention to me, handing my jacket to her.
She tries to engage Jasper in a conversation, purposely leaving me out, but Jasper gives her the brush off, and I watch as her blood red lips turn down.
He leads me away with his hand on the small of my back, and just before we go through the main door leading inside the club, I turn my head to catch the biting look she’s firing my way. I give her a wink, and just for good measure, I lift my left hand behind me, giving her the finger. It’s ridiculously petty but brings a smile to my face.
“What has you smirking? Are you playing nice, Jamie?” Subtly isn’t my strong point, and I’m not in the least surprised that Jasper caught me out.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m always nice,” I exclaim, looking up and batting my eyes at him. A picture of innocence.
“Now, why is it that I don’t believe you?”
It’s now that I take in our surroundings. And wow. This place is insane. The club is over two floors, and the top looks to be a VIP area. I don’t see any stairs or a way to get up there. Guess it’s ultra-exclusive.
The rest of the room is bathed in deep purple and blue lighting that brings out the slashes of silver coming from the furniture and bar. The back wall is a whole bank of mirrors, with the bar in front. Hanging from the ceiling are about twenty globe lights that look like 80’s disco balls, but these are less tacky and highly expensive from the looks of it. The affect is stunning! There are several podiums with female dancers and a few with couples. All are wearing next to nothing, and their bodies are swathed in sweat that glistens in the light.
We make our way through the throng of bodies, some just talking, while others are clearly high and dancing like their lives depend on it. Never really got into the whole drug scene, but I’ve dabbled a little. Not really my thing, besides, I find my buzz in other ways.
We reach the bar and are instantly greeted by a guy in black tailored trousers and a waistcoat with no shirt underneath. His muscles ripple with every movement, and if I weren’t here with Jasper, I’d be all over that. I mentally face palm at the thoughts running wild and free in my mind. Shoving them aside, I listen as Jasper orders drinks for us.
When the guy returns with our drinks, I offer him a thanks and catching his eye, he gives me a cheeky grin before walking away. At least the service is an improvement on the last place I went. And no Seb, so thank the lord for small mercies. The thought brings me right back to why I’m here in the first place.
“So, tell me, how does a detective get into a place like this?” I quirk a brow at Jasper as a frown crosses his face, but before he can answer, we are interrupted.
“Jasper, my man. So glad you made it.” The guy slaps Jasper on the back, and he almost chokes on his drink.
“Fuck! Noah, you’re an arsehole.” Jasper lets out a little cough before turning to his friend. “Good to see you. How’s it all going?”
“It’s good, Jasper. Real good.” His eyes fall on me, and I get my first proper look at his face. He’s cute, in a boy-next-door way, but you can tell he’s more than that. “Who is this delectable lady?” he asks Jasper, but his eyes don’t stray from me. I get the distinct impression, despite his pretence, he knows exactly who I am.
While Jasper introduces us, I watch Noah and the way he holds himself. He’s not a cop like Jasper that much is clear. He has an air of authority like Jasper, but it’s different, more fluid. Almost like it’s in his very blood and not just for show. Noah, commands respect and obedience. It reminds me of Blue and the guys—military—and from his size and clean crisp clothing, I’d be willing to bet I’m right. He’s also kind of familiar.
I’m brought out of my musings as Noah offers us a place up on the VIP floor. I sip my drink as Noah leads us off to a door on the right. A bouncer stands guard outside, nodding and permitting us before we even reach it.
Just as we pass through the door and I look back at Noah, he gives me a wink, and I’m suddenly reminded of a night a week ago. Me and two guys, waking up next to them and making my escape.
Shit! Noah was one of those guys.