Page 15 of Lawless Deception
“Hey, Rox,” I whisper in her ear, before running my tongue over the shell and taking a little nip too, just for good measure. Her head moves a fraction, but it’s just enough to tell me how much being sandwiched between the two of us has affected her.
“Fuck you. Fuck you both!” she snarls in response, but there’s little heat in it. Not the kind she intended anyway.
Maddox grins and lets out a deep rumble of laughter, only infuriating her more. The laughter dies, his face becoming a mask as he says, “You’ll get your chance. It’s on the agenda.” He releases her quickly, and she stumbles back.
My hands automatically go to her hips to steady her, and she growls out her frustration at being manhandled and at Maddox’s insinuation that she’d fuck us both.
Maddox walks past us to the door, turning at the last second. “Stay put, Roxanne,” he orders, before calling me to follow with a nod of his head.
I watch as her breathing changes, almost panting, and the pulse in her neck speeds up at Maddox’s order.
“How turned on are you right now, Rox?”
“Not at all,” she scoffs, like it’s the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard. “Get your fucking hands off me before you no longer have the use of them.”
“Liar,” I say, calling her out as I give a little tug on her hips, bringing her body flush with mine. “If I were to slip a hand beneath those tight as fuck trousers of yours, I know you’d be as wet as I am hard, Rox.” I run my hand over her abdomen to her waistband, making her think that’s exactly what I intend to do, but at the last minute, I pull back, letting her go. I don’t even wait for her to catch her breath before I follow Maddox, closing the door behind me.
I’m hard as fucking granite and know she felt every damn inch of it brush up against her perfectly rounded arse. Damn! I quickly adjust myself before stepping out into the main room. Just as well I did too. The room is overrun with cops and paramedics, even the coroner is here.
I spot Maddox talking to a cop over on the left side of the room, and I quickly look around for Rocky or Axel. Not finding either of them, I make my way over to Maddox, knowing that I’ll need to give a statement and wanting it done as quickly as possible.
It’s several hours before the place is cleared out and ready to be locked up. The cops have left, and the final board is being fitted over the last broken window when I find myself standing outside the office.
Maddox joins me and asks what I was already wondering. “You think she’s still here?”
“Only one way to find out,” I say, grasping the door handle and pushing inside.
The room is empty, as we both suspected it would be. There is no way Rox would have stayed, especially seeing as it was Maddox that told her too. Even as a teen, she had a problem with authority. Fuck knows how she ever became a cop.
Growing up the way she did—we did—it’s not a surprise. When you have to look after yourself if you want to eat and stay alive, you grow up fast. Add to that having to raise your own sister and what you end up with is a head-strong and independent woman with a streak so fierce that you’d have to be mentally unstable to even think about crossing her.
I guess that places Maddox and I squarely in the mentally unstable category after what we did to her. But there was a very good reason, and one she’ll uncover soon enough.
Ispin around as the door closes behind me, letting out a growl of frustration and cursing my stupid fucking body for its reaction. I look around the room, taking in the desk, filing cabinets and monitors showing the main floor, the corridor to the toilets and outside, which is a hive of activity as police and paramedics hurry about doing their jobs.
I ignore the pang in my chest at the fact I’m not there along with my colleagues investigating a drive-by and am instead standing in an office and watching as a civilian who came close to becoming just another dead body in another pointless street vendetta.
Unfortunately, the thought has already manifested in my brain, making my anger at this situation rise to boiling point. Don’t even get me started on the shit Maddox spouted from his mouth. A mouth that could set a thousand fires alight, both verbally and physically. I’d be insane to try and ignore that the years have been more than kind, and the teen boy I once knew has grown ineveryway. And it’s clear he’s not the only one. Zak has grown too. Only his growth comes with more depth, and now, he’s like some sort of Japanese puzzle box, a very fucking complex one.
I shake off the tingling still coursing through my body from their close proximity and begin to move around the room. The filing cabinets aren’t locked, and that tells me there’s nothing important in them, which is confirmed when I have a quick skim through. Nothing but employee records and invoices. Moving to the desk, it’s clear except for an open laptop and a ledger with monthly figures. They’re nothing to be sniffed at either. Maddox and Zak are making a tidy little package here.
I take a seat, leaning back as a stretcher with a body covered by a white sheet is wheeled out and loaded into a van. No matter how many times I see it, it’s an image that throws me back ten years.
“Just go, guys, I’ll be fine. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow,” I say, trying to sound casual but missing the mark by a mile. I’m fiddling with the zip of my worn jacket and rocking on my toes as I stand before Maddox and Zak.
Zak steps forward, pulling me into a hug, either unaware or glossing over the awkward tension filling the air between Maddox and me.
“See you tomorrow, Rox. Take care of you,” he whispers, squeezing me tighter and holding on a little longer than necessary. Stepping back, he makes room for Maddox, who shuffles forward, taking his place.
We go to embrace, our arms crashing into one another’s, then switching positions at the same time and doing it again. We both snigger, and the tension is released.
“See you later, Roxanne.” His voice rumbles across the shell of my ear, worming its way deep into my body. And my heart. As he begins to pull away, I feel his lips brush the side of my face, and I don’t even try to hide the shiver that runs over my whole body as the light caress becomes a firm kiss planted at the corner of my mouth.
When he releases me, I watch as something sullen passes in his eyes, like this is a final goodbye, but it’s gone before I can think on it too much, and a small smile lines his lips. I turn away from them, jogging up the path and into my block.