Page 45 of Lawless Deception
I was always stopped just in time. Sometimes by a passer-by, or a car tooting their horn, but on more than one occasion, it was Mitch that turned up. I’ve never understood how he always managed to find me, but I always assumed it was fate.
Now, I find myself here again. Only this time, I’m not here to end my life, far from it. I don’t think I ever really wanted to before. If I had, then I would have found somewhere else to do it, not kept returning to the same place every time. I was just an incredibly sad and lonely messed up teen with a heart left shattered into a thousand pieces and no glue.
My glue had dried up, gone, leaving the pot as arid as the desert.
I found that I didn’t need the damn glue. In time, other things, other people, helped rebuild my shattered heart, and I made sure it was strong. So fucking strong.
Not strong enough it seems. I feel the deeply buried fissures beginning to fracture. I feel the sharp pain piercing my heart every time they are near me, touching me and whispering their devilish desires in my ear. I feel the moment it will split wide open again drawing ever closer, and this time, I know there won’t be a damn thing to stop what comes next.
I suddenly feel a presence beside me. It’s like my thoughts called him here.
“You and Maddox are lying to me. You’re keeping me in the dark, and I don’t fucking like it.” I turn to look at him.
“Yeah, and you’re telling us the whole truth, Rox? Don’t be such a hypocrite. Now, let’s go before I get a fucking ticket,” he snaps, gesturing down the bridge in the opposite direction to where my car is parked.
“Where’s Maddox?” I ask.
“He’s out, but he’ll be home in a while.” He holds his hand out, expecting me to take it like we’re some loved up couple out for an evening stroll.
I brush his hand aside and start walking in the other direction. “This can’t wait. So, where is he, Zak?” He doesn’t answer, and I wasn’t really expecting him too. “I’ll see you at home,” I call out behind me, knowing full well his car is parked in the other direction.
I hear him cursing, and when I turn to look, he’s jogging away from me. I speed up as I near the end of the bridge and disappear down a side road.
I don’t bother trying Rogue first, instead I head straight for The Scarlett Door. The fact Zak wouldn’t tell me where Maddox is means it’s most likely business, and for that, he’d use their strip club. ‘Cause nothing aids a business deal better than booze and sex.
Ignoring the ringing phone in my pocket, I quickly find the place and park in the only other space available at the back of the building. Right next to Maddox’s bike.
I take a moment to gather my thoughts. The stop off at Tower Bridge didn’t really do much to calm me. If anything, it only served to remind me of a past best left buried. One that has jumped up and bitch slapped me hard in the face.
Seeing that gun and hearing the confidence in Noah’s voice about who the gun belongs to has me worried.
And torn in two.
I climb from the car and reach the rear door just as Zak’s car skids into the tiny car park, screeching to a halt behind mine.
I yank the back door open as Zak hollers for me to wait, but I don’t listen and step inside. The hall is long with several closed doors along it and dimly lit. The door hasn’t even clicked shut when I hear the whoosh of it opening again, forcing me to hurry my steps.
“Rox, stop. Rox!” Zak calls after me.
“No fucking way, Zak. I have questions that need answering. Tonight,” I yell back, and a second later, I burst through the doors into the strip club.
Every eye in the room, turns my way, and I feel Zak’s fingers brush against my arm, trying to grab hold of me. I take a step out of his reach at the exact moment my eyes land on Maddox. Time seems to stand still as my gaze trails to the woman clinging to his side, her hand on his thigh and a deep look of desire in her eyes.
My spine stiffens, and my fingers curl into fists, forcing my nails to dig into the tender flesh of my palms. I fight the waring desire to turn and run but that’s not me.
Heat meets my back, and a hot rush of breath meets my ear. “It’s not what you think, Rox.” His words blaze a trail of fire down my clammy neck, and again, I step away from him, unable to stand another second in his intoxicating scent.
“Like I give a fuck, Zak.” My voice comes out strong, but if you know me, then you wouldn’t have missed the small underlying streak of bitterness and bullshit.
Fingertips brush mine, pulling at my clenched fist until I loosen enough for him to slip his hand in mine.
“Come with me,” he whispers, tugging on my hand.
I turn away, following Zak back down the corridor we just came from to a door second from the end on the left.
Zak pulls me inside and closes the door behind us. Taking in the room, I see it’s an office.