Page 1 of Ruthless Vengeance
“Roxanne!” I bellow as the two cunt coppers holding me wrestle me to the floor. She turns at hearing her name, our eyes meeting, but they are empty, void of anything. She’s shoved in the back and forced out of the room.
“Stay the fuck down, Mr Lawler, unless you wish to join your little friend at the station,” one of the cops barks at me, yanking my arm further up my back.
I drop my head to the floor, relaxing in their hold. Fighting against myself as the need to rip them a-fucking-part tries to win out. Breathing deeply, my mind calms, and raising my head a fraction, I see Zak being held face down over the counter.
“I’m going to fuck you—”
“Zak,” I yell, cutting him off before he gets himself arrested. We’ll be no use to Roxanne if we are both locked up too. He stills except for his panting breaths as he too settles his rage.
Thuds echo down from upstairs, and I hear Maria yelling as cops converge on the house like a swarm of fucking locusts.
Shiny black brogues step into my limited view, and then I hear the rustle of cloth as someone crouches in front on me. Before I can register what’s happening, I’m tugged up by my arms, my shoulders screaming out in pain, and my back arches as I’m held off the floor enough to come face to face with Noah Shaw.
“Well, well, how does it feel to be the man practically on his knees? I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get the trio today, but don’t worry, it’s coming.” He goes to rise to his feet before pausing and leans in, whispering, “Oh, and don’t worry about Roxy. I’ll take good care of her.” I let out a dark snarl, pulling at the hold on my arms, but he only chuckles before standing up and walking away.
I listen as his shoes clack down the hall, and then the hold on my arms is suddenly released, and I drop to the floor with a thud.
I push up, jumping to my feet, and ignore the dull aching in my arms. Walking to Zak, who is just righting himself, we watch as the last of the pigs exit, leaving the door wide open.
I watch as Maria comes from the lounge and closes the front door. It’s barely clicked shut before I let loose the savage roar that’s been trapped inside me.
“Fuck! Noah fucking Shaw is a dead man walking!”
“Hey, calm the fuck down, Mad.”
I baulk at Zak. “Calm down? Did you just fucking hear that? They arrested her for the murder of Theo, Zak.”
“Course I fucking heard, man, but losing your head ain’t going to help no one.” He slaps me on the back and hands me my phone. “Call Mitch back and find out what the fuck is going on, then we’ll know how we can get Rox out of this shit.”
I snatch the phone from his hand and stalk from the room. Mitch picks up on the third ring.
“Maddox, what the fuck happened?”
“I should be asking you that fucking question, Mitch.” I take a deep breath, knowing that losing my rag with Mitch isn’t going to help either, but I actually want to throttle someone right about now. “They arrested her. That cunt fucking Noah arrested her.”
Mitch hisses and curses. “On what grounds?”
“Murder. Of fucking Theo. What do they have on her?”
“I don’t know, Maddox. They are keeping everything quiet, which makes me wonder if there’s not something else at play.”
“You bet your fucking arse there’s something else at play. This has Rogers’ name all over it. The son of a bitch has got nothing on us, so now he’s switching tacks and putting Roxanne in the frame.”
“Give me some time to find out what I can. In the meantime, stay out of trouble.”
“Fuck off, Mitch. If you think I’m going to sit around and wait for you to pull your dick out of your arse, then you’ve learnt fuck all about who I am.” I end the call before he can argue back. Back out in the hall, I run upstairs to Roxanne’s room. The bastards have been in here and turned it over. It looks like someone burgled the place. I check the rest of the house, and apart from mine and Zak’s rooms, which look just like Roxanne’s, everything else looks untouched. They tossed our rooms just for fucking fun. The wankers. If they’d wanted to find something on us, they would have. Both Zak and I have weapons stashed around this house, but no, they purely did it to fuck with us.
I find Zak downstairs in the kitchen with Maria. She’s busy cooking, which is her go to when things get fucked up, and Zak is on the phone.
“We have some shit to deal with here, but we’ll be down there as soon as we can.” Zak ends the call and drops his phone on the counter before taking a seat on the nearest stool. He rubs a hand over his face, and I know just how he’s feeling.
“Spit it out. What other shit is getting thrown at us today?”
“That was Ripley. The cops turned over The Scarlett Door too. They questioned the girls about what sort of work they do. Obviously trying to trip them up and admit they fuck the punters for money. Thankfully, there weren’t too many people there, but they arrested a couple of guys who had outstanding warrants. Or so Ripley heard.”