Page 44 of Ruthless Vengeance
The door to the dishwasher slams shut, and I see Maria leave the room as Roxanne makes her way over to us. Zak moves one seat up giving her the seat between us.
Star sits opposite, next to Kavanagh and it almost feels like an us and them moment, but I’m reserving judgment. Laskin’s words about our enemies not always being our enemies echoes in my mind.
“I believe an explanation as to how the fuck Theo Rogers is my sister’s father is on the table,” Roxanne states dryly. Her earlier happy mood has vanished and now it seems this is all business Roxanne, and she’s ready for some answers just as we are.
For the moment, I’m happy to let her have her say and ask her questions. I’ve no doubt that each one of hers and their respective answers will bleed into some of my own.
“I’m assuming you know nothing of the fallout between the Kavanagh’s and the Rogers’?” Kavanagh asks.
I shake my head, but Zak says, “We found out the other day about Theo’s wife and your connection.”
“Very well. But Roxy knows nothing of this, so let’s start at the beginning. My father, Darragh, and Theo were old friends, as their father’s had been, so it was only natural that our father’s saw the advantage of binding the family together in a more permanent way with the marriage of my father’s sister, Ciara, to Theo. Not that it would have made any difference, but Theo and Ciara were in love a long time before our parents decided they should marry.
“Not long after Don was born, a deal that my father and Theo made went wrong and Ciara was murdered. I don’t need to bore you with the details, but it caused a feud between our families. Darragh and Theo ceased talking and their business relationship broke down.”
“What do you know about the deal they made?” Maddox asks.
“Nothing other than it was with the Italians. In case you hadn’t noticed there isn’t a lot of business with the Italians in London, nor the Irish until recently, at least not on Theo’s side anyway.”
Maddox nods and then Kavanagh turns back to me. “Theo met your mum at one of his bars when she was a waitress there. It was quite a few years before James destroyed your mother.”
“I remember. At the time she was working two jobs, and we had a nice a house, a good life.” That was the mother I liked to remember not the one who pumped her body full of shit and sold her body. Maybe if she’d been selling her body to pay to feed her kids, I could get on board with that, but no, she just did it so she could buy more heroin and get wasted.
I shake the memory from my mind and nod for Kavanagh to continue as two hands land on my thighs, one either side. It warms me in places I didn’t know were so damn cold. I’m fully aware of the symbolism of my position between these two men, and I can no longer deny that this is where I’m meant to be. It’s where I was always meant to be. The shift in me over the last few days is clear, and I don’t care to question it anymore.
“Tracey was the first woman Theo had ever let in after he lost Ciara. From what I’ve been told he was very protective of her, but he kept them a secret at her request. They argued many times because he wanted to bring her into the family, to protect her, but she wouldn’t allow it. When she fell pregnant with Star, she never told Theo and vanished for several years.”
“That’s why we had to move? I never understood why, and she changed her name back to her mother’s maiden name. It was a few years later that James found her, then…”
“Hmmm, well, I’m afraid that your father—”
“He’s not my fucking father!” I grit out between clenched teeth. I tense at the mention of him. Not only because the man destroyed my mum and my life but because it seems he’s content to continue the trend.
“Very well. James has made his career destroying others,” Kavanagh says, but I’m no longer listening and both Zak and Maddox must have noticed.
“Rox, what’s up?” Zak asks, half turning his body toward me.
“He came to see me,” I say. “I was about to tell you last night before Bowser and Smithy started to argue.” I look around the kitchen and realise that Smithy isn’t here. “Where is Smithy?”
“I’ve sent him to check on a few things at mine, but what do you mean he came to visit you?”
I look between the guys, and they each give me a nod to continue. “Hughes, the female cop that spoke to you after the shooting, she has something to do with it. Before Ethan got me released, James came to my holding cell. He believes that the two of you could be of use to him and if you refuse then he’ll have you killed or locked up.”
“What exactly does he want us for?”
“I don’t know. We were warned by Hughes that it was time for him to leave, and I bet my arse that he’s fucked her to keep her on his side and doing his bidding. That’s why when I saw her at the house, I needed to get Star out of there. I didn’t want her telling my father she was there.” Thinking on it a little more, I ask, “Does he know? Does he know who Star’s father is?”
“I believe so, although I’m unsure how he found out or how long he’s known. It would make sense for him to know. Theo always believed that he had something to do with your mother’s death. Not directly but whatever was at play he was a part of it.”
“Are you saying that Rogers and James were working together?” I ask.
“I believe so, yes.”
I stare at Kavanagh for a moment trying to piece everything together, but it still doesn’t fit right.