Page 5 of Ruthless Vengeance
My mind has wondered, and I don’t hear his question as more memories from that day assault me. The unmistakable and putrid smell of death enters my nose, and I’m transported back there again. Cold wraps it’s icy fingers around me as the door to the mortuary cabinet is opened, and the clanking of metal rattles through the empty room as the stretcher is rolled out.
I remember holding my breath for so long that I almost passed out while I waited to see if the body of the young girl in front of me was my baby sister. When I finally got a look at her and realised it wasn’t Star, the relief was so profound it took the rest of my breath away.
It’s such a strange thing to feel great relief and disappointment at the same time. Contradicting emotions borne of a deep sadness and years of searching.
“Miss Whitmore, did you hear me?”
I shake the thoughts away as Mr Scott’s voice breaks through the crystal-clear image my mind has conjured of that day, that event.
“I’m sorry. What were you asking?”
“I asked if you were alone when you returned?”
“Is there anyone that can corroborate your whereabouts for the rest of the evening?”
“No, there isn’t.”
“Very well. How…”
The rest of his words become white noise as I remember exactly what I was doing and with who that night. Revealing I was screwing Noah doesn’t seem very smart just now. Given he was the one who arrested me knowing full well there’s no way I could have murdered Theo and be bouncing up and down on his dick at the same time tells me I can’t rely on him for an alibi.
The question is why?
Meeting Noah four years ago was a chance encounter that turned out to be mutually beneficial in more than one way. Neither of us were aware we were working on the same case but with different targets. After that we kept in touch, deciding to use one another for intel among other things.
He’s been integral in several of my cases, but it seems my trust of him has been severely misplaced. When I approached him after Maddox and Zak cornered me in that car park all those weeks ago, he was sceptical about getting involved, but the idea of taking down Rogers was enough to persuade him.
I’m now questioning everything.
I block all my questions around Noah out as Ethan Scott continues to explain the evidence against me. With no alibi and a fingerprint with a significant number of matched ridges, which an expert could easily confirm as an ident, it doesn’t look like I’ll be going anywhere soon.
The biggest question in all of this is how the fuck did my fingerprint get on Maddox’s gun?
“Arrrgh!” Another scream from Marchant echoes around the empty room, raising the hairs on my arms and a spike of adrenaline rushes through me as my blade carves into his skin again.
I’ll give the wanker some credit. He’s holding out better than I thought he would. Aside from the screams of pain, he’s given us nothing.
It doesn’t matter either way, Rocky has been keeping tabs on him since the last deal.
A rivulet of blood trickles down his torso following the path of my knife. His body jerks, yanking at the cuffs around his wrists and causing the chains to clink and clunk.
His once well-toned and untouched torso is now adorned with an array of slashes, and he has a long slice down the underside of each arm.
His face remains untouched, for now at least. My fingers twitch as they grip the handle of my knife, desperate to inflict more pain, but I hold back while Maddox moves in front of me.
Taking Marchant’s chin in his grasp, so hard his flesh turns white, Maddox says, “How’s your sister? I hear she’s getting out of London. Wouldn’t it be an awful fucking shame if she—”
“Leave—” Maddox squeezes his face harder, cutting off his words.