Page 21 of Embers of You
Tripp is Sergeant at Arms of the Savage Cobras, and while I don’t like to involve the club, Tripp is a fucking whizz when it comes to computers and gathering information. And what I need, only he can give me.
Whether the threat that Jackson received is aimed at all or one of them in the picture, although Stu seems like the obvious choice given it was sent to his son, to keep them safe I need everything I can get on Titan Industries and also on Kennedy.
I’m not excited about the prospect of invading her privacy but if it means keeping her safe then anything is fair game.
I’ve no idea what I’m even looking for in this box. It’s mostly old bank statements and documents relating to the house. Nothing jumped out at me when I first packed it all while I was clearing out his room, but I wasn’t looking for anything specific then and just kept what I thought his mom and I might need.
I pull out a pile, dropping it on the small coffee table, when movement outside catches my eye.
Jumping to my feet, I stride to the front door and step outside. She’s wearing a pair of cut-off denim shorts showing off her toned and bronzed legs and a white racerback tank. I watch as her pace increases as she draws level with me, and I know she’s hoping to pass unnoticed, but the little side-eye she does toward the house means she knows I’m here. And when she raises her head, turning it slightly away, I know she’s seen me standing here.
Knowing it will piss her off and she won’t be able to ignore it, I wolf whistle as she passes.
1…2…3… And there it is, I think, as she slows her pace. Stopping, she turns toward me, cocking her hip.
“Grow the fuck up, Asher. We aren’t teens anymore, and even when we were you never wolf whistled at a girl.”
“I never needed to, Kenz. They were lining up outside for a piece of me,” I say, baiting her even more and taking a couple of steps in her direction. My eyes automatically drop to her neck, pulse thrumming; her chest rising and falling with not just exertion from walking, and then I look back to her eyes, locked on mine and lit up with…
“Urgh, get over yourself,” she spits out. The venom and fire I was just thinking about coming out to play.
“The real question is, are you over me, Kenzie?” I stop in front of her, forcing her to crane her neck to keep eye contact. There’s a flicker of something, then it’s gone.
“To get over you, I’d have to be under you first,” she sasses, and her lip turns up with satisfaction at her comeback.
I laugh, then grip her chin, just like I did the other night. “Don’t be so literal, Kenzie. I didn’t hear you complaining when you were coming all over my fingers.” I dip my head while raising hers, and she has to take a step forward to keep her balance. “And I sure as hell didn’t hear you complaining when I had you pinned to the wall with your legs wrapped around me as I fucked you.” The pulse in her neck beats faster as her breaths become shallow. I’m fucking desperate to kiss her again, but I don’t. Instead, I watch as her eyes glass at the memory of us fucking in the station house, then they clear and her fire returns.
Her hand grips my wrist, pulling her chin free from my grasp. “I just wanted to get off and you were there, so don’t kid yourself, Asher. We both know there was never anything more between us than lust and the thrill of getting caught.”
“Now who’s kidding themselves,” I snap, her words riling me up, as I’m sure they were meant to. “Maybe if you’d stuck around—” I catch her hand an inch before it makes contact with my face.
“Don’t you dare—”
“Oh, I dare, Kenzie. You left. Just upped and fucking left.”
“Of course, I did, my brother and my dad died and I… Everywhere I looked, they were fucking haunting me, Asher. Still are. What was I meant to do, huh?” Her eyes cloud with unshed tears, and I reach out to touch her cheek. She flinches, it’s slight but enough for me to pause my movement for a second before cupping her cheek with my open palm.
“Stayed. That’s what you should have done, Kenzie.” I stroke my thumb beneath her eye, wiping away an errant tear. For a second, I feel her relax into my hand, but then she pulls back, my hand dropping from her face.
“No, Asher, that’s the last thing I should have done.”
The rumble of a car engine stops me from replying, and we both look over as it pulls up just behind us. As Deputy Peters steps from it and makes his way over, Kenzie steps back away from me, and I don’t like it.
“Deputy, twice in one week. Should I be worried?” I ask, folding my arms over my chest.
“Mr. King. Miss Scott, I didn’t realize you were back in town.” I don’t like his tone much and the look he throws Kenzie’s way even less.
“Well, here I am,” she replies, an edge to her tone and her brows pulled down in a deep frown.
“My apologies. Well, here I am, deputy.” Kennedy does a small bow, and I can hardly believe how confrontational she’s being. I watch her, frowning myself, while she doesn’t take her eyes off Deputy Peters, who is being equally hostile.
“Are you mocking me, Miss Scott?” he asks, taking a step forward.
There’s a moment’s hesitation from Kenzie and her nostrils flare before she finally answers.