Page 35 of Embers of You
“I’m afraid I can’t answer that. He’s not well, Miss. Scott, and I’m just trying to help him carrying out his final wishes.”
My eyes widen at that news because the last time I saw him he seemed fit as a fiddle, and it might have been six years ago but still.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not sure what use I can be, but I’d be happy to meet with him. When did you have in mind?”
“Now, if you’re free?”
“Ahh, I’m just about to go to work. How about tomorrow?”
She considers this for a moment before saying, “Yes, tomorrow it will have to be. Around eleven?” I nod, and she gives me the address, still the same house he’s always lived in. She then walks back down the drive, climbs into her car and drives away.
I’m still staring at where her car was parked when Everly touches my arm, startling me.
“Shit!” My ribs smart at the sudden movement causing my breath to catch in my throat.
“Sorry, Kenz. You okay? Who was that?”
“I’m good,” I say, gripping my left side. “That is Doc Edwards’ granddaughter.” I start walking to Everly’s car and she follows.
“Why would she be coming to see you?” she asks, climbing into the driver’s seat.
“Doc wants to see me apparently. Anyway,” I say, waving a dismissive hand. “What’s going on with you? You didn’t sound too happy when I spoke to you earlier.”
She tries to brush it off as we head out of town, but when I finally get her talking, she doesn’t stop for the first half of the journey. It looks like my first impressions about Darryl being a complete tool weren’t wrong, but despite the fact she thinks he’s up to something and the way he treats her, she’s so in love with the guy and won’t hear a bad word against him. I decide to keep our first interaction at the casino and the little detail Julian gave me about no one working late at the repair shop to myself for now, which I’m doing a lot of lately. I think the only way she’ll believe what a piece of shit he is, is if she sees it for herself.
The rest of the journey, as I suspected, is her trying to weed out every detail about what happened last night, who might be following me and what the story is with Owen. I easily distract her with details about what went down with Asher and Owen instead, especially the fact that Asher broke his nose.
Everly dropped me off with the promise she would be here to pick me up despite my protests. When I get inside, I drop my stuff off in the staff room then head out to the bar. There’s no sign of Luke, but I find Jason in the bar chatting to one of the bar staff. He looks over, giving me a nod hello, but then he does a double take, stopping his conversation and coming over to me.
“What the hell happened to your face?” he asks, pointing at the dressing, the smallest the hospital could find.
“Oh, this,” I say, touching my fingers to it. “It’s nothing. Banged my head that’s all.” I keep my voice casual and roll my eyes hoping he won’t ask too many questions. I get the feeling if I tell him what really happened he will send me home, and I really need to be here. Doing something to keep my mind occupied, or at least giving me time to process the idea that Stu is involved in some way. I don’t want to believe it. He was my dad’s best friend.
“Are you sure you’re okay to work?” he asks, a deep frown creasing his brow.
“Yeah, I’m fine, honestly. Wouldn’t be here otherwise. Now, where do you want me tonight?” He lets it go and directs me to the blackjack table. It’s Saturday night and Jason told me that there’s a bachelor party coming in tonight.
It’s a pretty tame evening up until the groom decides that his mate, also his best man, is having a fling with his fiancée. Things kind of go downhill from there, and eventually Jason has security remove them. The last part of the evening goes quietly considering it’s a Saturday, which is good for me because my headache has returned and is almost gleefully tapping out a rhythm that says I told you so.
Everly is outside waiting for me sipping coffee. When I get in the car, I ask where she got coffee at this time of night.
“Well, funny story actually. I got here a little early and was just sitting here waiting when a guy came and knocked on my window. Scared the ever-loving crap out of me by the way. Turns out he’s your boss and was just checking who I was.”
“Jason?” I question, clicking my seatbelt into place as Everly begins to drive.
“Yeah, that’s the one,” she says, and I detect a hint of something there. When I look over at her, I see a smile kicking up the corner of her mouth and a twinkle in her eye.
“Oh my god, please tell me you don’t think he’s hot, Everly?”
Anxiety licks at the edge of my thoughts as we turn onto the freeway, but the conversation is easy and keeping it at bay for the most part.
“What?” she exclaims like it’s no big deal. “Do you have dirt in your eyes, Kennedy? The man is enough to give a nun a lady boner.”
“Ewww, no thank you.” Don’t get me wrong, Jason is a good-looking guy. He looks after himself sure, I mean, he’s jacked but tattoos and piercings aren’t my thing. Clearly, they’re Everly’s though, which surprises me given her current boyfriend—dick Darryl. He and Jason couldn’t be further from one another. When I tell her as much she just laughs.
“Okay, first off, I’m guessing you haven’t seen Asher naked recently? And second, you never been with a guy with a tongue piercing?”