Page 46 of Embers of You
Drake’s eyes scan over the other people in the diner before coming back to me, and he rubs at his stubbly chin in contemplation. The whole sequence puts me on edge.
“Drake,” I press.
“I followed a lead here. And I’m not talking about Owen.”
He scans the room again, then he leans in, and I know that whatever name spills from his lips it’s not going to be good.
“Aria Thomas, senator Thomas’ daughter.”
Kennedy and I share a look, which Drake doesn’t miss.
“She is friends with Owen. More than if earlier is anything to go by,” Kenz says in explanation. “But I don’t understand, how did she come up on your radar?”
A waitress approaches the table preventing Drake from answering. We all order coffee, and she sashays away again.
“Her and her father recently attended a campaign event in Wilmington, which I also attended. While I was there, I happened to overhear a conversation between Aria and a man who mentioned Owen and Silverbell. As it is, their familiarity with each other is not a surprise to you now, but what was a surprise was Aria’s mention of you Kennedy.”
“We’ve never met, so how the hell does she know who I am?”
“Exactly. What was even more intriguing was when she mentioned Asher here. Apparently, there was a plan or a scheme involving you that didn’t work out as well as they had wanted.”
Looking to Kenz again, she’s already there.
“The break-in at her father’s house.” I nod in agreement.
Turning to Drake, I explain, “Just before Kenz returned to town, Aria and I spent the night together, then the following night someone broke into her father’s beach house. The cop that investigated pulled me in for questioning as I was the last one there aside from Aria.”
“And because of your record, you’re a prime suspect,” Drakes surmises.
“How the fuck do you know about that,” I demand through gritted teeth.
“It’s my job,” he replies casually, although I see the truth in his eyes. He checked me out not because of the case but because of who I am to Kenzie. He goes to speak again, but I cut him off, and none too politely either.
“You screw all your clients,Drake?”
Kenzie gasps beside me, but Drake just chuckles.
“Only the ones who ask nicely,” he says mockingly, a smirk kicking up the side of his mouth.
“You son of a bitch!” I yell, throwing out a hand to grab hold of him, only the waitress arrives with our coffees, and I catch the edge of her tray instead, sending cups and hot coffee crashing to the floor.
Kenzie snatches hold of my arm, pulling me back into my seat while shooting daggers at Drake. He isn’t in the least bit bothered by her, and instead looks mildly amused. The poor waitress scurries off to fetch a broom. All the eyes that turned our way slowly return to their own business, but there’s one set of eyes that remain focused entirely on us. Deputy Peters.
“Fuck’s sake! That’s all we need,” I mutter, as Deputy Peters walks this way, and I slip my hand into Kenzie’s beneath the table.
The smirk Drake was wearing is replaced with a look of nonchalant indifference. The guy gives off a ‘stay out of my way’ vibe.
“There a problem here, Mr. King, Miss Scott, and I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before,” he says directing the last part at Drake.
“No, problem, deputy, just a little accident, that’s all,” Kenzie says with a saccharin sweet smile and drawing his attention back to her. Her hand involuntarily tenses in mine as she speaks.
“Hmmm,” he hums, then looks to me before turning his full attention back to Drake. “And you are?” he asks again, not prepared to let it go.
“Nobody important. Just visiting my friends and minding my own business,” Drake replies, offering a sarcastic smile.