Page 54 of Embers of You
“So, these are the original plans from the development Titan planned for here, but as you can see someone, my dad, has added all these notes—notes that point to all the areas where Titan were cutting corners, breaching building code and it even details the removal of hazardous substances.” She looks to me, and reading my face, she adds, “I know it doesn’t seem much but there’s more.” She leaves the drawing open and clicks on another file. This one is a recording, and as soon as the voice fills the room, I know it’s Archie.
Even with the background noise, it’s clear that Archie isn’t happy with whoever he’s talking to.
“This is not the plan I agreed to. I can’t deliver on a project that is undermining God knows how many codes and laws.”
“You seemed to be confused about your role in this project, Mr. Scott, so let me remind you. My company hired you to manage this project, we are paying you for that role. Now unless I completely misread the employee and employer agreement, then you will do the work I’m paying you for.”
“The hell I will when you’re putting money before the safety and lives of people.”
There’s a short pause, then the other man speaks again.
“It appears that you on the other hand are more than happy to put the lives of those you love at risk. If this project doesn’t go exactly as it is laid out, then I’m afraid we are going to have a very big problem, Mr. Scott. Are we clear?”
“Are you threatening me, Mr….” The recording cuts off, leaving us in the dark as to who the hell he was speaking to.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know. It just ends.” She moves the laptop to the side and faces me. “I visited some of the other towns that Titan have developed in and while they are thriving, there’s an undercurrent of something… I don’t know how to describe it. Drake uncovered a higher-than-normal rate of sick people, people with cancer, Ash. In two of the other towns someone died. These people were workers on the development. Admittedly, their deaths, like my dad’s, were ruled accidental, but there was nothing accidental about my dad’s death.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?” I watch her closely, her head dips and she bites her bottom lip nervously. I answer my own question before she can. “Because you didn’t know if you could trust me, right?”
She shuffles forward, eyes on mine, and reaches out to touch my face. “No, not just you, Ash. I didn’t trust anyone. You’re the first person I’ve told any of this to.”
I hold back on my instant reaction to her words because although they hurt, I get it. Instead of pulling away, I pull Kenz closer, lifting her into my lap, her knees either side of me, and I wrap a hand into the hair at the ape of her neck.
“Fucking wish you’d trusted me, Kenzie.”
“I was scared and angry and, yes, part of me blamed you, but I knew you’d never hurt my dad or my brother—never hurt me like that. I was also trying to—”
“Keep me safe.” I shake my head at her. “Somehow you got our roles screwed up there, Kenz. That’s meant to be my job,” I tell her, letting a little humor bleed into my words.
“Equal rights and opportunities are all the rage right now. Nothing wrong with a little role reversal.” Before the words have fully left her mouth, I have her beneath me on the bed.
“The only role reversal going on here will be you on top riding my cock. But tonight, I’m going to show you how much fun being on the bottom can be.”
I shuffle down her body, dragging her sweats down her legs as I go. My already hard cock goes like a steel fucking rod when I pull them past her hips to reveal her naked pussy.
“Fuck, Kenzie!” She raises on to her elbows, looking at me with hooded eyes, and watches as I spread her wide and run my tongue the length of her slit. “Fucking heaven,” I tell her, dipping down and doing it again, only this time I don’t stop until she’s screaming out my name for the whole street to hear.
“Do you always fidget this much?” Ash mumbles half asleep beside me.
“Only when I can’t sleep,” I say, rolling over to face him. His dark hair is sticking up where my hands pulled at it as he brought me to orgasm with his mouth. I came so hard, I’m surprised he doesn’t have a bald spot.
“I just made you come so hard, twice, that I saw fucking stars, Kenzie. How are you not sleeping when I can barely keep my eyes open?” The touch of his fingers across my abdomen sends a flutter of butterflies through me, but I slide away from him. The move is met with a growl as I slip from the bed and head for the stairs. I grab one of Ash’s t-shirts flung over the back of the small chair in the corner of his room as I head downstairs.
In the kitchen, I make coffee. Probably not the best idea at four in the morning but there’s no way I’ll sleep now. I sneak back upstairs and grab my phone, then sit out on the back stoop and send a message to Drake filling him in, although I’m careful not to say anything too incriminating.
The sun is just rising as I step back inside and pour another coffee. I pop to the bathroom, but on my way back I’m drawn to the door just down the hall. My brother’s room.
Stopping outside it, I pause for a moment before grasping the handle and pushing inside. The room is bare but for the bed and a few boxes in the corner. But just like in his car, I sense him here.
Moving further into the room, I stop at the first box, flipping the lid open. It’s just a box of paperwork. But the contents of the next box stops me in my tracks. As I peel back the lid, I’m met with the gorgeous green eyes of my brother and the rich brown ones of Ash as they stand together in their uniforms.
I lift the framed picture out, touching my fingers to the glass. Damn I wish I could reach out and touch him for real, hug him, even smack him upside the head for being a pain in the ass brother. Anything if it meant I could breathe the same air as him and my dad again.
Something in the air changes, and I know that Ash is here even before his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him.