Page 57 of Embers of You
“You mean the message that says, and I quote, ‘Need to see you. Have a meeting in the morning but will call you after’, you mean that message?”
“Back the fuck off, Drake,” Ash fires at him, getting to his feet, but Dom steps between them.
“Enough. While the dick contest would be highly entertaining, I don’t have time to clean up the mess it will make. Now, if you can promise to play nice, I’m going to go finish some paperwork in the office so you three can discuss whatever shit is going on in private.”
Asher sits back down, and Drake moves to the other side of the table, taking a seat opposite us.
“There we go. Remember to play nice, children.” And with that he strides off past the bar, disappearing down a corridor.
After Dom leaves, I fill Drake in on everything Stu told me and what I discovered from Doctor Edwards, as I didn’t get a chance the other day at the diner, and I also share some brief details about the flash drive I found.
Then Ash goes and drops a fucking bomb on me. Meaning Drake isn’t the only one who wants to throttle him.
“Ihave some information too.” Drake raises his brows while I quickly glance to Kenz. This little nugget of info is going to hit her harder than a Mike Tyson uppercut. And I’m wishing I’d told her earlier now. “I have a friend looking into Titan and a few other details we’ve managed to piece together,” I say confidently, more to Drake than Kenz as she already knows about Tripp. “He called me last night…” I pause waiting for her to say something. When she doesn’t, I realize she’s biding her time. “As we’ve already established, Aria and Owen know one another and Carmichael and Preston are close, but it seems the connection goes much deeper than that.” I turn to Kenz knowing I need her see me when I tell her this. “Carmichael is Owen’s uncle.”
Her mouth falls open and her head jerks back, then her face settles into a quiet, calm acceptance I wasn’t expecting at all. If I’m honest it scares me more than if she was losing her shit and bawling me out.
Kenz?” I question, as she continues to look straight at me but not really seeing me.
“What else?” Drake asks, and I reluctantly pull my eyes away from Kenz to look at him as I answer.
“Carmichael has a son around the same age as Aria, called Liam. He lived in Wilmington, but there’s nothing on him for the last eight years. It’s like he vanished.” Kenz still hasn’t spoken. “Kenz,” I say, waving a hand in front of her face to gain her attention.
“I heard you, Ash.” Her brow wrinkles in thought, and Drake picks up on it too.
“What is it, Kennedy?” he asks sounding concerned.
Her gaze focuses back on me then to Drake. “Just little things that make sense now that’s all.”
Drake draws my attention. “I’ll see what I can find on him. Assuming your guy is still digging too?”
“Yes, and he’s trying to find anything on Titan. Are you sure there is nothing on record for who owns it?”
“I’m working on it. I have a guy that might be able to help, but I’m waiting on a call from him. As soon as I know, you will.” He nods toward Kenz, and I see she’s lost in thought again.
I raise my chin. “I’ve got this,” I tell him as he gets to his feet to leave. “Thanks,” I say a little begrudgingly.
“Kennedy?” Using her full name gets her attention.
“Let’s just go home, please,” she says sullenly, offering a small smile as our gazes’ lock.
I let her get to her feet and free from the booth before caging her in against the table. Her breath catches in her throat, but I don’t give her a second to respond. I take her mouth quickly and possessively, coaxing her to comply, which she does after a few seconds.
She whimpers as I break the kiss. “I know what you’re thinking, and I get it, Kenz. But don’t let that asshole mess with your head. He’s not worth it.” She nods, and although she heard the words, I don’t think she really listened to them. It’s still too raw right now, but I’ll make sure I wipe all thoughts of that cunt from her mind later. “Come on,” I say, stepping back from her.
She walks ahead of me, and I spot Dom in the shadows.
“You need anything you know where I am,” he tells me, voice low so only I can hear.
“Thanks, man,” I say sincerely, as I walk to catch up with Kenz. I hear Dom call out about not being a stranger, but he knows as well as I do that I won’t come around unless I have to.
Dom, Luke and Jason along with my uncle and the MC are a part of my past I’m not proud of. After my mom died, it was just me and my dad. Uncle Ray was around, usually with some scam that would have my dad skipping out on me and any job he might have been holding down at the time.
It didn’t take much for them to convince me to do a job with them. Said it would set us up and we wouldn’t want for anything. The only thing it set up was me to have a record and a stay in juvie.
During that time, I met a lot of people, some more trouble, and others were guys like me who’d got caught in the trap that leads you down the wrong path.