Page 67 of Embers of You
We each grab a drink, a beer for me and some fancy as hell cocktail for Kenz, which surprise, surprise is named after Aria. Kenz takes one mouthful and sputters, almost choking on it.
“That’s disgusting,” she curses, placing the glass on the bar. The barman raises an eyebrow, to which Kenz says, “You got any bourbon behind that fancy ass bar of yours?”
He can’t hide his amusement as he fills a tumbler with ice and bourbon. As he places it down in front of Kenz, his eyes flick to something behind me before moving off to serve someone else.
The smell of cloying floral perfume reaches my nostrils, and I don’t need to turn around to know who’s there.
“Asher, how nice to see you,” she drawls, stepping closer to me, but as Kenz turns, the smile she’s wearing almost slips from her face. “Ah, Kennedy, I didn’t see you there.” Her tone completely belies her words.
“Sure you didn’t. On your own, Aria?” Kenz asks, looking behind her, as though looking for someone.
Aria ignores Kenzie’s jibe and turns to me. “Make sure to find me later for a dance, Ash,” she says, reaching out and trailing a finger down my chest before turning and sashaying off to greet people.
I chuckle when I see the fire in Kenzie’s eyes as they follow Aria until she almost disappears from sight.
“Something amusing you, Ash?” she asks, poking at the same place Aria just ran her fingers.
Stepping into her, I lean my head down and whisper in her ear, “Your fire makes me hard. I’m going to show just how much later.”
Before she can reply, Everly arrives, trailed by Darryl, which instantly puts my desire on hold. We spend the next hour or so laughing and drinking with Everly, who has been on her own with us for at least half that time after Darryl got a call and hasn’t returned.
When she decides to go and find him, Kenz goes with her in search of a toilet, leaving me at the bar alone to scan the crowd. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a message from Tripp.
Wayne was happy to spill his guts when he realized what was on the table.
There are several pictures of documents that name the owner of Titan Industries and even a few screenshots of a conversation between the owner and Preston Thomas, which are extremely incriminating. I type out a quick reply, then I go in search of Kenz. It’s time to have a little celebration.
The music cuts off just as I’m moving away from the bar area and the DJ ushers the crowd to an area over near a table laden with food. Ignoring him, I head to the toilets looking for Kenz or even Everly, but I don’t find either. As I’m moving away to search the rest of the beach, a noise over near the photo booth catches my attention and I slowly move that way just as a flash goes off inside.
The closer I get the more certain I am of exactly what’s going on inside the photo booth as another flash goes off. The grunting and groaning coming from inside grows louder as the crowd behind me begin a chorus of Happy Birthday. A minute later, a strip of photos drops into the slot, and I snatch them up. My eyes scan down the images, and I recognize who is in there just as they finish and a big cheer goes up from the crowd. The timing is almost comical.
I tuck the photos into my pocket and turn back toward the bar, passing the toilets again in case I missed Kenz. I’m just approaching the bar when Kenz appears at my side.
“Have you seen Everly?” she asks, pulling her phone from her small purse and typing out a message, to Everly no doubt.
“No, I thought she was with you.”
“She was but went off to search for Darryl.” I can just make out the roll of her eyes. “There’s still no sign of Owen or Carmichael. Something feels off, Ash. And where the hell is Jackson?”
She’s not wrong about something feeling off about tonight. There’s a vibe in the air that I can’t put my finger on. I had hoped to slip away with Kenz to the cave further up the beach, but the timing is wrong.
“I’m going to go and look for Everly again. Message me if you find her before me.” She reaches up and drops a quick kiss to my lips so quick I barely get a taste of her before she’s gone again. I don’t even have time to protest about her going off on her own. I hurry back to the bar where the lighting is better and offers a full view of the dance floor.
Sensing someone behind me, I glance over my shoulder to see Preston Thomas standing there.
“You have some nerve showing your face at my daughter’s party, Mr. King,” he says, and while I can’t see his face, I imagine the words are forced out from clenched teeth.
I don’t turn around. “And why would that be exactly? If you’re referring to the break in at your property, then I suggest you go back to whichever cop was investigating and have a word with him.” Now I turn and face him before continuing. “Because I have a solid alibi.” I hold his gaze, refusing to be cowed by him or his supposed statue because of who he is.
“You should watch yourself, Mr. King, I hear bad things happen to people that poke their noses in where they don’t belong. You might want to pass that bit of advice on to your little slut over there. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her. Her poor mother,” he says, feigning misery as he nods toward where Kenz has stopped to chat with a couple of people.
He goes to walk away, but I snatch hold of the sleeve of his Gucci suit jacket. “And maybe you should be more careful who you invest in, Mr. Thomas. I hear that the when the evidence mounts up so high it can’t possibly be explained away, the IRS and the FBI throw the book at you no matter who the fuck you are or how many people you try to buy off. From what I remember, government officials don’t do so well in state prisons.”
He tears his sleeve from my grip, eyes wild with rage at my veiled threat. I imagine mine are much the same given he just threatened the very thing that gives me life. His mouth opens to respond, but his words are lost as a piercing scream rents through the air.
My eyes immediately seek out Kenz, and my heart pounds inside my chest like a drum until I finally catch sight of her. I don’t even give Preston Thomas another glance as I race to her as she looks over at where the scream came from. I reach her as another cry pierces the night, and everyone begins to move forward, closer to the water’s edge.
Whisperings and mutters begin to circle as I push my way through the crowd, Kenzie’s hand tightly clasped in mine. As I break through the front, I come to a stop, Kenz crashing into the back of me as I take in the scene.