Page 100 of Gambit's Queen
“Dakota put some feelers out for replacements, since we’re down two bunnies.”
“You don’t mind having bunnies around?”
“Did you forget that two of those bunnies are my best friends? I know you fucked them,” she said the last without heat.
“Fuck, you’re amazing. Remind me again what I did to deserve you?”
“You loved me first. I was too scared to admit how I felt about you. Never once did you back off. From the moment I walked through these doors I found love and acceptance. I found a family in what many would think is the least likely place on earth. A motorcycle club.”
“Until I met you. I thought this kind of love only existed in books.”
I took her mouth with a fierce passion drawing her, so she was straddling my lap. My arms locked around her. I pulled her flush to my chest one arm around the curve of her hip and the other around on her lush ass.
“Fuck, bébé. I need to stop or I’m going to fuck you right here. Tell me the rest.”
I worked to regain control. Stormy carefully rearranged her body so she sat across my lap.
“I have two ladies here tonight. I’d like to interview you. They’re going to dance for us. I have play time arranged behind the curtains.”
“I want to make sure I understand this. You want me to have sex with two women tonight while you watch?”
“More or less. All play above the waist between the three of you. They offered to play with each other if we wanted to watch. They’re girlfriends.”
“Isn’t that going to complicate things?”
“Not really. During our interview I learned a few key things which I think make them a perfect fit. They’ve been together for three years. While they both love sex with men, neither has felt anything romantically for them. Sex with other women is off limits. Both women want a college degree. They know the club will pay for it. In their eyes, it's a fun job.”
“If you change your mind. If you're uncomfortable, say it. Don’t wait, okay?
“I promise.”
When she tried to get up, I wrapped my arms around her and growled in her ear. “Stay.”
She settled in. I saw her send off a quick text. Moments later the lights in the room dimmed. The candle in front of them provides the only light. Music blared from the speakers. Lizzo’s ‘Worship Me’ flooded the room. A spotlight hit the darkened stage as a woman in ballet shoes toed her way out. Her lithe body strategically clothed.
She moved with ease around the stage, her body flowing with the music in seductive prose. Fuck if I didn’t get harder. Goddamn. This felt like a fucking dream. I’d never look at another woman on my own, but I was willing to give this a try if it turns my woman on. I was also not fucking dead and this girl has serious skills. When the song ended, the dancer hopped off the stage, and came to our table.
“Athena, I'd like you to meet Gambit. President of the Voodoo Kings.
“Babe, this is Athena.”
“You have incredible moves, Athena.”
“Thank you, sir.”
I laughed. “Gambit is fine. No sir needed.”
“Ready for round two,” Stormy asks.”
“I am.”
This time Ginuwine’s ‘Pony’ came on. The woman on stage blew me away.
“Is that Gretchen?”
“Her cousin. Wild right? Tawny’s & Gretchen’s moms are identical twins.”
Tawny’s hair was the same shade of honey platinum blonde as her cousin’s. Only her hair was much longer. It fell past her breasts, while Gretchen’s was a short bob. Tawny didn’t have the ballerina moves her girlfriend Athena has. But she can move. Second time had the same effect. The women are hot and once upon a time I’d be buried in them before the night was over.