Page 100 of Pinch of Love
He nodded in agreement as he came from behind and detached the fabric from the thorns.
I moved closer to Brielle and kicked my boot out front. “Who knew this would come in handy?”
Smashing down the bush that wove in between her pants, I freed her leggings and nodded at Hunter.
“On the count of three. One, two, three,” I shouted as Hunter shoved his naked guest in my direction.
Her hair got tangled in the buckthorn as she fell forward and collapsed on me, naked body and all.
Hunter quickly worked to untangle her hair as I heard Cash’s footsteps coming up the hill.
“Stay there, Cash. We aren’t ready yet.”
“Okey-dokey,” he said, laughter nipping at every word.
Brielle groaned as I tried to push her upright, and Hunter helped to stabilize her.
I quickly scanned her body for any thorns sticking to her skin. “I’m really impressed with how few scratches you managed to get. That’s a dangerous shrub to fall into.” I took a step back and bit my bottom lip as Hunter checked out her behind.
“Do you need any help getting your pants up or...”
“Ope. I see one,” Hunter said.
“Okay.” I opened the First-Aid kit and handed him some tweezers and alcohol.
He bent over, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cash cracking up down the hill, glimpsing his brother bending over to fetch a thorn out of hisguest’sbehind.
Brielle grunted.
“Got it.” Hunter held it up as Brielle bent over and pulled her pants up in one quick motion.
We started back down the hill where Cash had been waiting.
“I think Brielle is probably thrilled you wanted to show her the Northwoods,” Cash said, chuckling as he slapped his brother’s back.
Hunter gave him a death stare as we made our way back to the trailer.
“Are you okay?” I asked Brielle.
She frowned and shrugged, but the look in her eyes told another story.
“I’ll start the campfire,” Cash said, and I nodded.
“Sounds good. Brielle, did you want something to drink?”
“Yes. Lots of it.” She walked past me and marched into the trailer.
It would definitely take some time for her ego to heal. Hunter stayed with Cash outside, and I went to the kitchen where I’d left the snack tray.
“Did you want any meat or cheese? We have chips too. Those tend to make me feel better.”
Brielle eyed me coolly. “Do you have any white wine?”
I smiled and nodded. “I think we do. I’ll check the fridge.”
Opening it up, I spotted a bottle on its side and pulled it out. Brielle was suddenly next to me and took the bottle from my hand.
“Where’re the glasses?” she mumbled, looking through the kitchen. “I hate camping.”