Page 26 of Pinch of Love
“Have you not heard of remote work?”
Not only did I know all about it, but working remotely was a big hot button between Rob and me. I had no issue with our employees, mostly therapists, working from home. After all, the entire principle of my company was allowing people access to therapy remotely. Yet, he wanted to see everyone’s body in a seat twenty-four hours a day. Thankfully, the local labor laws gave them breaks. My jaw clenched, and the familiar headache rolled down my neck to my spine.
“You okay? I didn’t mean to strike a nerve.”
I shivered for absolutely no reason, considering there wasn’t an ounce of air-conditioning drifting through the place.
“Totally fine. Just funny that you mentioned remote work. Rob hated the concept. In fact, I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown a conniption that I’m all the way in Wisconsin.” I thought back to all the ignored messages and texts from him. “Actually, maybe he is throwing one, and that’s why he won’t stop calling.”
“The phone hasn’t rung much since you got here.”
“That’s because I blocked him.” I smiled. “Thanks to Cash.”
Grace pressed her lips into a concerned smile. “I always thought your ex was a controlling person.”
“That’s an understatement.” I shrugged, thinking back to all the red flags over the years. Yet, I was the one who got stood up at the altar, or in my case, the courthouse steps.
“So, let me get this straight. He stood you up, but now he’s calling and texting you?”
I let out a deep breath, yet it felt like I still had a ton of air left to exhale. “Yup.”
“It sounds really complicated.”
I nodded, sliding my damp palms down my dress. Why did my body physically react to the thought of Rob? And I didn’t mean in a fun, fluttery, butterfly type of way.
“There was a reason I didn’t want to bother explaining it over the phone.” I shrugged. “The situation is just really messed up, and since I let him get so involved with the business, things are even worse. The word complicated doesn’t even give credit to the layers of muck I have brought onto myself.”
“Don’t blame yourself. There were two people in this union. You aren’t the bad guy.” Grace nodded sympathetically, but I knew I hadn’t given her much to go on. I just didn’t want her to worry about me. She lost her husband. She has a daughter to raise. She just moved back to Buttercup Lake. I didn’t need to add my drama to her life.
“Thankfully, I have a lot of attorneys working on my behalf who assure me that everything will turn out fine, but I know Rob. He won’t make it easy.”
She rolled her eyes. “Why do men have to be so complicated?”
I chuckled, looking at Pancake, who was now snoozing on top of her bone. “I don’t know, but it makes me really leery of love again.” I shook my head. “Rob tainted love for me. No doubt about it. The concept leaves me with an icky feeling in my stomach.”
Grace grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Don’t let that weasel take away from you something that you are so good at giving.” She let go. “So, how about Cash? Does he leave with you an icky feeling in your tummy?”
I pointed my index finger at her and chuckled. “I know what you’re up to, and it’s not going to happen. I doubt I’ll even see Cash the rest of the time I’m here. But no, he does not leave me with any kind of creepy feeling. When I look at him, it’s more like I see a mission in the making.”
Grace’s brows rose.
“You know, because he’s so cranky. I like to see him smile.”
Grace stayed silent and hummed while she reached for her purse. “On that note, I think I need an iced tea, or I’m going to melt, and I promised Pancake a new toy.”
Pancake’s ears lifted, and her head slowly moved to assess the situation.
“Thank you for helping me today,” Grace added, flicking her gaze in my direction.
I smiled. “I didn’t do much other than move some boxes, but you’re welcome.”
Grace whistled at Pancake, who reluctantly moved toward her. Grace’s phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen with a wild look in her eyes.
“Jackson just sext you or something?” I teased. “You look crazed.”
She rolled her eyes. “Please.”
I snickered, and a snort popped out. “You’re telling me that you’re dating a man who is often on the road, and you’ve never sexted?”