Page 41 of Pinch of Love
Maya had polished off the last mini taco, scraped her plate clean, and licked her fork.
I admired this woman more and more each day.
“Wanna head out back and enjoy the mosquitos’ homeland?” I teased, hoping to bring a smile to her lips.
Her gaze connected with mine, and I saw the familiar spark that made me wonder if being alone for the rest of my life was truly the best game plan.
I’d vowed it after losing Freya.
“I think that’s exactly what I need.” She stood as I started to reach for the plates. “Ah, leave them there. I’ll take care of them later.”
“Are you sure?”
She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dining room in response. Chewie was licking her paws on the couch, not having moved a muscle.
The moment we stepped outside onto the back patio, I took a deep breath in and felt the warm air fill my lungs.
“I always loved these Wisconsin summer nights.” She let go of my hand and made her way to one of the chairs and took a seat.
I sat next to her. “I’m sure it’s beautiful in North Carolina.”
She lolled her head toward me while resting it on the back of the chair. “It’s a beautiful place too. I should probably go back home early with this latest revelation.”
The words stung a wound I didn’t know had opened. “Still thinking that’s the best move?”
Maya let out a low, delicate hum and shook her head slowly as she focused on the lake. “I don’t know. It’s almost like any move I make will be the wrong one. The good news is that my team knows I’m on vacation for two weeks, regardless. I’d planned on working remotely for the remainder, but we’ll see.”
“Exactly. You’ve almost used up one week. Just play it by ear.” I nodded, not wanting the panic to register on my face.
It was hard to believe Maya had been in Buttercup Lake for one entire week already, and I had spent the last several days hiding from her.
If it hadn’t been for Chippy, I would have missed this.
Not to mention, Jack would have swept in as the hero, and that could never happen on my watch. He was like one of those bros, the kind who kissed his muscles and cheated on his girlfriends. However, Jack looked like an angel compared to Rob.
Maya turned her attention back to me. “The crazy part is that since I started my company, I have never taken a vacation. Rob didn’t believe in that. He thought it made my employees think less of me if I were to take time away.”
This guy sounded like a real piece of work.
“I don’t think I really fought it because the business was so young, and I was pouring everything I had into it.”
“But there will be nothing left of you to pour into it if you don’t find a little time for yourself.”
She smiled and nodded. “Truer words.”
As I watched the sun’s evening rays slide across Maya’s arms, I thought about what it would be like to run my lips across her softness.
I looked away and let out a sigh.
“That was a heavy sigh,” she said, laughing. “Have I depressed you too?”
“Quite the opposite.” I stood and walked toward the sandy beach that stretched along the lake.
Picking up a pebble, I skimmed it across the glassy surface as Maya came up behind me. There were so many questions I had for her, and yet, it wasn’t my place. We were merely two barely-more-than strangers passing through life. She’d be going back home to the Carolinas, and I’d stay here with Chewie, my new companion.