Page 45 of Pinch of Love
“So, what did you think about the book so far?” my sister asked.
“To be perfectly honest, it kind of hits home.”
“Really,” Grace said flatly. A little too flat. “I guess there could be some similarities.”
I flipped through the first half of the book. “Hmm. Lady gets stranded at the altar.”
“Yeah, but hers was a remote wedding.”
I ignored my sister. “And the guy is a complete monster, stalking her and making her life miserable.”
Grace shrugged as several of the members came into the room with platters of breakfast items. “Odd.”
I nodded. “It is odd that this is the book for this month. Anyway, I like the heroine’s resilience. I just hope she doesn’t go crawling back to the dirtbag.”
Grace flinched and shuddered. “Me too. That would be horrible.”
Grandma Millie walked along the table where the breakfast items had been placed just as a woman with a giant stuffed animal walked in. She set it down along with a big carton of coffee on the table and spun around, waving.
It was Abby.
And behind her, a gigantic stuffed chipmunk leaned against the baked goods.
Grace couldn’t help but chuckle as Grandma Millie turned and winked at me.
“That woman cannot keep a secret. Is she trying to get me to run from Buttercup Lake?”
Grace squeezed me. “Just the opposite. Grandma is trying to make it feel like home.”
The only time I’d truly experienced that feeling growing up was with my grandparents. I’d tried recreating it repeatedly since I’d become an adult. I even played house with Rob, hoping the sensation would resurface.
It hadn’t.
But being back in Buttercup Lake had started to stir something inside me.
I just wasn’t sure I was ready for it.
Or for Cash.
And certainly not the kiss.
Yet, here I sat next to my sister at seven o’clock in the morning to talk about a book with the Sunshine Breakfast Club at Buttercup Lake.
One might wonder how it was so easy to wake up so early after a couple of beers and a sensational kiss from Cash.
Well, I never fell asleep last night.
I just tossed and turned and contemplated staying, going, kissing him again, never seeing him again.
Like I’d confessed a million times to anyone who’d listen...
I was a mess.
Besides, he seemed like the type of guy who needed a woman who’d go hike in the woods and put a deer over her shoulders for dinner. He was all man and certainly only enjoyed rough and tumble activities, and I wasn’t a rough and tumble kind of gal.
Abby walked over with Grandma Millie.