Page 83 of Pinch of Love
“The courthouse marriage wasn’t a wedding. I knew she wanted a big wedding, so I didn’t show at city hall because I knew what she truly wanted.”
“Yeah? How saintly. Women love to be stood up when they’re about to sayI do.”
This guy was a prick and had an excuse for everything.
“I know her better than anyone. I understand what she wants in life.”
His words stung. I didn’t like the idea that he knew anything about Maya.
“And what is that?” I cocked my head, knowing he just wanted to torment Maya more.
“I had planned to give her the wedding of her dreams.”
“Was that before or after you threatened to take everything from her?”
“Who are you?” Rob asked. He squinted his eyes. “Her bodyguard?”
My dad stepped forward, sensing the unease building. Rob still didn’t notice how my dad had his phone positioned to film.
“Maya has made things clear to you through her lawyers. It’s best if you leave it between them and quit harassing her.”
He chuckled. “I can’t possibly be harassing her since I’m engaged to her.”
“Youwereengaged. You are no longer a couple. That ended when you stood her up and attempted to hijack her company. If you insist on staying in Buttercup Lake, please do not attempt to contact her. She’s been through enough. Leave her alone.”
“Or what?”
I smiled at Rob and gave him a hard stare. “Or nothing. The lawyers will deal with everything. And if needed, the police.”
“That’s what I thought. All show and no go.” He shook his head and started toward the lobby doors.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked. “It’s almost eleven o’clock.”
He spun around and pointed his finger at me like a trigger and winked. “Wherever I want, but don’t worry. I’m not headed to see the whore.”
Fury bolted through me. My dad grabbed my wrist, yanking me to my senses.
That was what this guy did. He knew the power of his words.
“Have a nice night, Rob,” I muttered between gritted teeth.
My dad turned the phone off.
“It’s not worth it, Cash,” my dad said in a gruff voice. “But we need to get you back to the house. Maya will start to wonder. And I don’t trust this guy any farther than I can throw him.”
I nodded, knowing I needed to get to her before he did. “Well, let’s head out. I’ll drop you off at the house and get back to Maya.”
My dad shook his head, and relief spread through me. “Just get to Maya’s, and Mom will come to get me.”
“You’re feeling that uneasy too?”
My chest tightened as we made our way outside. I scanned the parking lot and didn’t see any sign of Rob.
We climbed into the Jeep, and I quickly pulled out of the parking lot. Instead of heading to the house directly, I took a lot of county roads in case Rob was smart enough to try to follow us. My hunch said he wasn’t, but I didn’t want to take any chances.
No one pulled out after us, and I didn’t see any headlights behind us.