Page 19 of Desire
“Rayne said she had a rough time,” she says, her voice raspy. I glance at her and see the sheen of tears that she’s holding back.
“She’s apparently allergic to the antibiotic they gave her before surgery,” I reply, grabbing the other chair and moving it to the side of the bed her mom’s not on so I can touch my woman.
“He says she has to stay for a few days?” she asks.
“Yes, ma’am. That’s a good thing, like I told Rayne and her both since the nurses can make sure her pain is managed and help me with her so I’ll know what to do for her when I take her home.”
“Thank you,” she whispers. “For loving my girl like you do. Every mother wants her children to have that one-of-a-kind love and I’m glad that two of my kids have that in their lives.”
“She’s easy to love,” I state, my gaze never leaving Justine’s face. Her skin is still pale, but she has far more color in it than she did when they whisked her away from me earlier. If I never go through something like that again, I’ll count myself lucky.
“So she’s got everything she needs?” her mom inquires.
“We ordered some things online and I had a bidet installed. She and Jacey went shopping and got her some clothes that she should have an easier time getting into and out of.”
“Mom? What are you doing here?” Justine asks.
“Like I would stay away after one of my babies had surgery,” her mom chides.
“I’m fine, Mom, I promise.”
“You are now, thanks to the quick thinking of Sebastian,” Mrs. Wilde retorts.
I watch Jussie roll her eyes at her mom’s words before she turns to me. “Are those Texas fajitas nachos?” she asks, changing the subject.
“As if I’d get you anything else. They also put in chips, queso, and salsa since it was for you,” I inform her. She grins and tries to scooch herself up in the bed. I watch her grimace and lay my hand on her shoulder. “Let me do it, Jussie,” I command, reaching for the remote that controls the bed. I adjust it so she’s sitting up and see her sigh in relief. I’m sure it’s not the most comfortable bed in the world and make a mental note to see if I can get someone out to the house to give her a massage once she’s home to work out those aches and pains. I would do it, but I don’t think she’s ready for the kind of massage I would give her.
Once she’s settled, I get the food out of the bag and set it on the tray. Pulling it close, I realize that she’s not going to be able to feed herself. Standing, I go into the bathroom and grab a towel which I drape around her like a bib. Seeing her eyebrow raise, I grin. “Hey now, I know how messy this can get and that’s with you feeding yourself. Because I’m doing it, all bets are off.” She giggles, a sound I’ve desperately needed to hear.
“I’m yours to do with as you please,” she states, waving her hands around like royalty.
Leaning in so her mother doesn’t hear, I whisper, “I plan to do exactly that when we’re home, sweetheart.” I grin when her face flushes then proceed to feed my woman.
Despite the crazinessof earlier and the constant stream of visitors that have shown up this afternoon, I feel pretty good. I think the nerve blocks are wearing off, however, because for the past thirty minutes, ever since Rayne, Jacey and Hadley left, I’ve been feeling twinges. Not pain, exactly, just something weird. I turn to Sebastian, who has changed into a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt and is now in the recliner next to me, his hand on my arm and ask, “When am I due for pain medicine?”
His eyes shoot to me and he barks out, “Are you in pain? Why didn’t you say something sooner, Jussie?”
“It’s not pain, exactly, Sebastian,” I soothe. “It just feels weird. Kind of like when something goes to sleep and then starts to wake up.”
“Let me get the nurse in here. I bet the blocks are wearing off.” I nod and lean back since there’s not much else I can do. He stands and not caring that he’s ready for bed, he walks out of my room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Joya took my catheter out between my family visiting, so each time I’ve had to use the bathroom, Sebastian has helped me into the bathroom, lowered my panties then left me to do my thing. He then would clean me up and after washing his hands, would get me back into bed and resituated. Surprisingly, as much as I balked at him doing that to begin with, it hasn’t been as bad as I thought. I may survive the healing phase after all because he acts like nothing phases him whatsoever and that makes me wonder why.
“So, you’re feeling something, hmm?” the night nurse, Betsy, asks.
“Yeah, kind of like when your limbs are asleep and they start waking up,” I reply.
“Okay, your blocks are wearing off. You’re due for more pain meds now and we’ll make sure we get them in you every four hours. Also, I’ll bring in two ice pads which will help with the swelling. You’ll keep those on for twenty minutes at a time, at least once an hour. We’ll change those out as well if you’re asleep so neither of you need to worry,” she states.
“Thank you,” I tell her as she injects pain meds into my IV then leaves to get the ice pads. Once she’s gone, I look over at Sebastian and say, “And thank you, Sebastian. You’re taking such good care of me I feel spoiled.”
“Anything for you, Jussie. If it’s in my power to do so, I’ll take care of you until I draw my last breath.”
Betsy comes back in and within mere seconds, I have both arms propped up on my pillows with ice pads underneath. She looks at us both and says, “If you need anything, either push the button or come out and get me. Remember, twenty minutes then remove them. They’ll stay cold for a bit, so you can use them again next hour unless you think you’re going to fall asleep. Then, don’t worry because we’ll take care of it for you.”