Page 23 of Desire
“You bet your ass we do,” she retorts as she hops off the table then takes my hand in hers, lacing our fingers together.
I’m notsure how I kept from mauling Sebastian during our ride home. I’ve been so damn horny these past few weeks it’s ridiculous. Granted, he took care of that but not the way Ireallywanted him to; I wanted him to pound me into the mattress, not go down on me and use his fingers. When we pull into the driveway and I see my brother’s vehicle, I groan out loud. “Really? Why today, God? Any other day but today!”
Sebastian chuckles then says, “I’ll get rid of him as quickly as possible. You go do whatever it is you feel you need to do, and I’ll meet you in our room once he leaves.”
“Deal?” I ask.
“Deal,” he confirms, helping me out of the truck. I wave at Rayne but keep going. My focus is on getting into the shower and shaving. That was the only thing I wouldn’t let Sebastian do, afraid that he might nick me. Of course, that fear was likely unfounded, but it was kind of nice to ‘let it go’ for a few weeks! Now, however, I want my smooth skin back.
Once inside, I hurry into our room, and by the time the water is warm, I’m stripped down, my clothes in the hamper and my hair up in a messy bun so it doesn’t get wet. One of the things I love in this shower, among the many others, is there’s not only a bench, but a ledge that I can prop my legs up on one at a time so I can get a close personal shave, so to speak. It doesn’t take long to bring my legs and underarms back to their normal condition, so I decide to trim up as well. Sebastian did do that for me, but he wouldn’t get as close as I prefer because he was worried that he would cut me. Silly man, I think he’d cut his own arm off before he’d intentionally hurt me.
I make quick work of washing after I finish shaving, then dry off and lotion myself before I head to our bed. Slipping under the covers, I wait for Sebastian.
After what feels like hours but was probably only thirty minutes total, he comes strolling into our room, closing and locking the door behind him. When I asked him why he closes and locks the door, he said it was a habit and that we should get used to doing it for when we have kids down the road. He sees my state of undress as I let the sheet slip down to my waist.
I watch as he starts stripping out of his clothes, letting them drop in a heap on the floor. When he crawls up the bed, pulling the comforter and top sheet down to fully expose me to his gaze, I see his turn nearly molten. He gently pulls me down so I’m flat and hovers over me, before leaning down and capturing my lips with his. As our kiss deepens, I moan, relishing the heat coming from him as well as the delicious way his dick presses against my belly.
My arms go around his neck to pull him closer, my need for him almost desperate at this point. I honestly don’t want a lot of foreplay; I’ve been ready since I saw him hard while we were driving to the doctor. “Please, Sebastian,” I whisper against his lips when he pulls back enough for us to breathe.
“You don’t want to play a bit?” he asks, looking down at me. He brushes my hair back from my face then threads his fingers in, lightly tugging.
“This past hour or so has been playing, handsome. It’s time for the real deal,” I admit. “You said I could ride, are you reneging on that?”
“Not at all,” he replies, rolling over and sitting up with his back against the headboard and his knees cocked with his feet planted in the mattress. Seeing his dick jutting upward, pre-cum leaking from the head, has me licking my lips as I try to decide which I want more—him in my mouth or buried inside my pussy. My clit throbs as I ponder, causing me to maneuver so I’m straddling his lap. “Fuck, I can feel the heat pouring out of you, Jussie,” he murmurs, cupping my breasts. “Definitely ready for me.” I nod in agreement; he’s not a small man so we’ve never been able to just ‘get busy’ without significant foreplay because he doesn’t want to hurt me.
“Help me?” I ask, lifting slightly. I know the doctor said I could resume all activities, but I’m still a bit leery of using my hands and arms for some strange reason. Perhaps it’s the ghost of past pain and logically, I know me reaching out and placing him at my entrance won’t hurt anything, but I can’t think with a logical head at this point. I just want him.
In me.
I watch as he grasps himself, stroking from root to tip before he notches the head at my entrance. Once that connection has been made, his hands go to my hips to keep me from slamming down, which was what I was going to do. “Sebastian,” I whine as he thwarts me.
“Jussie,” he retorts, thrusting up as I slide down. I’m so lost in the sensations that it’s not long before I’m sitting in the cradle of his hips, feeling so full it takes my breath away.
“God, this feels so good,” I murmur, leaning down and kissing him, my hands on his chest so I can slide back up his length. Soon, all that can be heard is the sound of our flesh slapping against each other, as well as soft sighs of contentment from me at how he is managing, barely, to keep from taking over control.
I want this to last forever. I want to come now.
“Youfeel good,” he replies, leaning in and capturing a nipple in his lips. I arch back which changes the angle and causes me to moan. “Fuck, Jussie, you undo me every single time,” he states as his pumps upward have me grinding when I go down, causing a delicious friction against my distended clit.
Time and words become meaningless; I know he’s close since he reaches between us and starts stroking around my clit. He’s such an unselfish lover; he insists that I come before he will allow himself to. As my pussy clamps down on his dick, I cry out his name, knowing that he will keep me safe as I let myself go.
His thrusts upward are now erratic as he chases his own release and I feel like I’m on a bucking bronco. “Justine!” he shouts, and I feel him emptying inside me as I slump against his chest. “I’ve got you,” he whispers, his hands coming around to cradle me to him. He kisses my temple as I curl into his strong, capable arms.
“I love you, Sebastian,” I murmur, growing sleepy since I’m now sated.
“Love you more, Jussie,” he replies. I’m already dozing with him still inside me as he somehow manages to pull the covers up and over us. “Sleep, baby.”
Chapter Twelve
It’s beena month since Justine’s follow-up appointment that fully released her from any and all restrictions and she’s jumped back into helping the band work on their latest album,Desire. I suspect that the title track will do whatUninhibiteddid for the band, so Jacey and I have been looking at venues for them to perform. Rayne has reiterated that none of them want to ‘run the roads’ like they’ve done in the past, so we’re being very selective. “What do you think about Wisconsin?” she asks, looking at the map.
“How centrally located is it?” I reply. “I think, and of course, the band needs to agree, that they should do three shows per venue. If they perform Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, they’ll get maximum exposure, especially if we book them in areas that are easily traveled to, you know?”