Page 4 of Desire
Hell, I think even the birds outside have stopped singing and every animal in earshot is holding their collective breath.
I’m looking around for a possible exit because I’m positive he’s about to explode when he slaps his hand on the desk. “It’s about fucking time you grew a pair and asked her out, man. Jesus H. Christ, I was afraid you’d never admit how you felt.”
“You’re not upset?” I ask.
“I know I’m an overprotective fucker when it comes to my sisters, but I’ve seen how you are with them, particularly her, and there’s no better man for my sister than you as far as I’m concerned. Now, if you hurt her, I’ll kill you, of course, but that should go without saying.”
“Fuck me,” I mutter. “I could’ve asked her out years ago.”
“Honestly? I don’t think she would’ve been ready. I know she’s had her eye on you for years even though she’s never said a word. But I think she needed to sow her wild oats so to speak and so did you. She’s ready for something more now.”
Hearing that she had to sow her wild oats doesn’t set well with me, but I’m not a hypocrite and it’s not like I’ve been celibate since I noticed her. Just because my preference lent itself to blondes who looked a lot like her means nothing. “I am too, Rayne. We’re all getting older now and seeing how settled you and Jacey are got me thinking that it would be nice to have that as well.”
“I like this town, Sebastian, and Jacey has a thriving business, so I don’t plan on moving. It’ll be our home base for sure, since I won’t tear her or Hadley away from the things that are familiar to them.”
Nodding, I say, “I’ve been looking for a place myself. Knowing that you at least will be staying here makes it easier. What about the girls?”
“I’m sure they’ll stay close because of Hadley. She’s got them wrapped around her little finger.”
I chuckle, because she tends to do that with everyone she meets. “I hate that years might have been wasted, but from what you said, she needed a little more time to grow up.”
“We all did,” he says. I see a look cross his face when he remembers some of the shit he did while he and Jacey were apart. I’m sure if he could go back and change things he would, but no one can change the past, just learn from it.
Chapter Three
“Auntie Justine!”Hadley shrieks as I walk through their door. I brace as she runs full speed toward me, hitting my legs as she reaches up. Picking her up and settling her on my hip, I kiss her cheek and grin down at her.
“Hey, Princess Hadley. How are you today?”
“Very good. The tea party is ready as soon as Mommy and Daddy leave.” She gives Jacey, who is still standing by the front door, a pointed look.
“I have to finish getting ready, Jus, then we’ll head out,” she says.
“No problem. You know I’ve got no plans besides hanging with my best girl.” Saying that reminds me of Sebastian which has me smiling.
“What’s that smile for?” Jacey questions. “Never mind. Rayne told me he talked to Sebastian today.”
“He did?”
“Yes, he did. He came over and told Rayne that he had asked you out. I think he was expecting a punch or something, but Rayne told him he couldn’t think of a better man than him for his sister,” Jacey states.
I stand here, Hadley in my arms, and stare at her. I’m so blown away that Sebastian did that for me, for us, that I have no words. “I-I don’t know what to say,” I murmur.
“Knowing him as well as he has allowed, it doesn’t surprise me that once he made his mind up, he was going to make sure there were no issues. You know how Rayne is; he’s overprotective to a fault but I honestly don’t blame him. Not with everything that you guys have dealt with over the years.”
I nod. Billie had a stalker that caused major issues which changed how Rayne handled our security. In fact, I seem to recall Sebastian was around more then as well. Always in the background, but there. “I’m a bit nervous,” I admit. Sure, I’ve fantasized about him since I was twenty, but now that he’s expressed an actual interest in taking me out, doubts crowd my mind. “I’m sure I’m not the type he goes for,” I mumble.
“I don’t see how you can even say that,” Jacey admonishes. “I know he never had anyone steady around or anything, but every single woman who was ever introduced by him looked remarkably like you, girlie.”
I follow her into her room and flop down on the loveseat that is in one corner near the bathroom. She’s sitting at her built-in vanity and watching me from the mirror. Ignoring her for a few, I think back to the few women I do remember being around Sebastian; mostly at after-parties and shit, but they were there. It hits me between the eyes, he’s been dating me for years. “You’re right,” I reply, my eyes filling with wonder. Maybe he has been as into me as I’ve been into him all these years. “Jacey, we’ve wasted so much time,” I lament.
“I don’t think so, Jus. I mean, you were an adult when he discovered y’all but you both still had a lot of living to do and shit to learn. If you and he had hooked up when you were twenty, who’s to say you’d still be together?” she muses.
I can emphatically say we would be because my attraction for him has only grown stronger as the years have passed. Shrugging I state, “You may be right. I think I’m still blown away that he talked to Rayne.”
“Not sure why that would surprise you either, to be honest. He’s always been the kind of man who approached shit full-on.”