Page 1 of Charisma
“Pregnant women are B.I.T.C.H.Y,”I hiss, spelling out my grievance, hoping that the wandering ears of our shifter ladies-in-waiting don’t have the energy to register the letters and put them together as a word. “Well, human pregnant women are bitchy, shifter pregnant females are downright feral when they don’t get their way,” I continue to complain, dropping down, sagging into the cushion of the couch, taking a break from all of the running back and forth I’ve been doing while gathering each female’s current craving.
Their desires and tastebuds change on a minute-by-minute basis.
It’s utterly draining and hectic.
Baldwin chuckles, but he too looks worse for wear. “What has you so beat, Charisma?”
“I’ve had to change the wall color and the theme of the mural in the nursery for Landry three times. Now mind you, this has all happened within a twenty-four-hour period. First, she wanted only panthers. Then it was panthers and wolves. Now, it’s panthers, wolves, bears, witches, and vampires. There’s only so much space for me to work with on one wall. When I tried to explain this to her, she broke down sobbing with tears streaming down her cheeks, and swear to fuck, Paxton nearly shredded my ass with his razor sharp claws.”
“She wants a blended family portrait on her kittens' wall,” Baldwin sighs. He’s feeling empathetic toward the mother-to-be like I am and the picture she has in her mind of her babies’ bedroom and its diorama canvas. “How is it that Esmerelda got pregnant after Landry and Connelly, yet she’s already had her cub?” Baldwin asks, intrigued. His brows raised high into his hairline as he contemplates this miraculous mystery.
“I’ll tell you how the effin’ biotch did it,” Connelly grouses, waddling her way into the room. I snicker at her attempt to purify her language. She’s read in one of those‘What to Expect’books that her baby understands what she’s saying while it’s developing in her womb.
“Please, oh wise one, do share.” I needle her, not bothering to hide the provoking smile spread across my face, spanning from one ear to the other. When she huffs in annoyance, my smile turns victorious. She and I have a playful, vexatious relationship. We tease, pester, and hassle the other until someone concedes, and a winner has been declared.
“Don’t test my patience today, Charisma,” she chides. “I’m feeling bloodthirsty, and your vein is looking mighty tempting.”
“Stop being kinky,” I kid. “That mini-vamp hybrid inside of you is turning you into a hag.”
“Eff off, Charisma,” Connelly sasses, smacking me with the back of her hand across my collarbone.
“Ladies, stay on topic. How did she do it, Connelly?” Baldwin presses, curiosity killing his bear.
“Okay, here’s what I think she did,” Connelly whispers, leaning closer to Baldwin as if she’s fixing to share our covenant's top secrets. “She used her…magic.”
Baldwin chuckles before shaking his head. “Smartass. You women are a bunch of assholes. Every last one of ya.” This conclusion of his has us bawling in hysterical laughter. He chuffs, then pushes himself out of his chair and stomps his way into the kitchen, muttering underneath his breath. My hearing is superb thanks to my vampiric ear reach, but even I can’t make out what he’s grumbling about. “I’m grabbing me a soda and I’m not gonna offer to get either one of ya a damn thing. You can both choke on your spit.” The declaration, which was meant to be a hardee-har-har moment of his, sets us off again into a round of roarous giggles.
Women are confusing amongst the gender species. If this world were accumulated by men only, things would make more sense, at least to me, anyhow. The only problem I see with that, of course, is no pussy. Man cannot live by hand alone and all that jazz. Or so they say. The bear that resides inside of me harrumphs in agreement.
“Shut it, asshole,” I mutter, taking my aggravation out on him, all while popping the top of my soda can.
Despite my earlier comments, I grab one for Charisma and a bottle of water for Connelly, then take them to the women. I may be a jerk, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a downright asshole, no matter how much they deserve to be on the warring end of my temper.
“Here,” I mumble, tossing Charisma’s in her lap and placidly handing Connelly hers. I’ve been on the other side of Maverick’s jackassery and I don’t want to be the object of his affection.
Fuck that shit.
He’s a downright asshole when it comes to his mate, especially now that she’s carrying his young.
“Thanks, boo bear,” Charisma says with a mocking disposition.
“Don’t thank me yet,” I chuckle when I hear Landry tottering her way down the hall.
“Charisma!” Landry excitedly hums. “I’ve had another marvelous idea.”
“Oh fuck my life,” Charisma tuts. “Can’t today, Landry. Esmerelda has a toad to stew or something. I gotta help her cure warts, put a hex on someone, or dish out a plate of havoc on someone’s life while she tends to her little one.”
“Stop your lying, woman,” I admonish her. “Esmerelda is helping one of the newbies with his social awkwardness. The cougar shifter has a crush on a panda bear but doesn’t have the gonads to approach her. Esmerelda is coaxing him to the dark side.”
“The dark side?” Connelly asks, confusion painted on her face.
“Yeah. You know… matchmaking. Gathering them around her cauldron, formulating bravery enchantments, casting courage spells, and singing her Kumbaya, hippie-like shit. Introducing them to the wickedness of romancing.”
“That’s not the dark side, Baldwin,” Landry hisses, stomping her foot.