Page 26 of Charisma
Drakko barks out a laugh as he emphatically nods. “I concur with your assessment, bear. They’re good males, but most don’t do well when their mate is in pain, which I understand is part of the birthing process. I have a story to share with you, dragon guardian.”
“You know?” I ask. “My bear whispered it to me, but I wasn’t sure.”
“You are. I felt the connection right away. I don’t know what it all entails, but we’ll ask my parents, they’ll know,” Drakko confirms.
“Anyway. You said you had a story to share with me,” I remind him.
“I do. You see, dragons are hatched, not birthed, but my mate and I, we were a conundrum because both birthing processes were needed to hatch our children.”
“You have children? Why haven’t you mentioned that before now?” I’m put out with him, how could they keep something as detrimental as that a secret from us. If anything, it makes them more likeable.
“Because, Baldwin, they need to be protected from anything that could threaten their well-being,” Drakko states.
“We would never hurt your young, Drakko.”
“But how were we to know that at first, Baldwin? Like all of you were with us, we were being cautious,” Drakko explains.
“I suppose you’re right,” I agree. “But I really want to know about this story you were saying you had to share.”
I watch as Drakko’s eyes glaze over, and he gets lost in another time. “This is the way my young were hatched.”
“What’s happening?” Maizy weeps, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“The embryonic sack has hardened, shelled. It looks as if your child will receive the best of both worlds. Half cycle in your womb and its dragon parent hatching the other half,” our healer, Sonia apprises dumbfoundedly, shocked to her core from the discovery.
“But I’m not a dragon. I don’t know how to hatch a dragonet,” Maizy argues. Fear has her eyes widening as large as saucers.
“But I am,” I interject. “My dragon can warm the eggs. He and I can hatch our young.”
“But you’re a guy,” Maizy points out, confusion marring her face.
“My dragon instinctively knows what to do. Male or female, it does not matter. The ins and outs of hatching are ingrained in our dragon’s genetic database. We’ve got this, Maizy. Together, remember?” I press, both happiness and panic emotionally overwhelming me. On the one hand, I’m excited to do my part to bring our younglings into the world. Yet, I’m petrified that Dragon will accidentally break our child’s shell while incubating it. He’s never been a gentle giant. Our worth as a father rest solely on him.
“Debate time is over, kids. This rudimentary embryo is ready to be ejected, for lack of a better term.” Sonia impedes our meditation.
The next twenty minutes are spent with screams, tears, threats, and promises. But as soon as not one, not two, not three, but four hatchling chassis are birthed, hysteria sets in. Maizy and I both have a mini breakdown.
Realms will weep on All Hallows’ Eve as these younglings take advantage of the night blanketed by magical essence. Havoc will be a tame definition of what these four will wreak upon the world. The universe may never grasp Halloween the same. I have an inept feeling that these children of mine will set new precedents on lore already spoken of.
“Four months later, my dragon took over and pushed the man to the back,” Drakko informs me before he continues telling me about his and Maizy’s hatching process.
“Dragon, you’re being ridiculous. I’m their mother. I have a right to check on their well-being,” Maizy huffs, stomping her foot. “Lift up your paw and let me see them.”
No. Must protect until they hatch. My dragon fights, unwilling to give in.
“And you have. You will continue to do so. Me viewing them will not endanger them,” Maizy protests. “Be reasonable. We’re supposed to be a team. Let me speak to Drakko.”
“He’s taking a siesta. I’m in control until our younglings crack their shells and enter this world,” my dragon told her.
“Ugh. You are no longer in my good graces.” Stepping up to my dragon she kicks him as hard as she possibly could on his scaly limb. “Let me see my babies.”
“As you wish, he gives in. Dragon stated, giving into her demand too easily, but there was a reason for that.”
“They are ready to greet the world. I will now release Drakko. Thank you for the honor of being ours and for your patience as I secured the future of our young. Love you, Maizy.”
“I love you too, Dragon.” She confessed. “Welcome to the world, my children. It’s time for you to come out and meet your parents.”
One by one, the eggs splintered and cracked. Little dragon heads popped out, unsure if they should brave this new adventure.