Page 2 of His Forever
“My right.”
“Okay, I know where you’re at, give me about thirty minutes.”
“Thank you.”
Thirty minutes later, she saw headlights slowing down as they came toward her. Shielding her eyes, she could tell it was a tow truck and the lettering on the side indicated it was the one she had called. Getting back out of her car, she waited for him to turn around and pull in front of her car. As he got out and headed toward her, her first instinct washoly shit, he’s tall and builtwhich she shook off. After Colton, she would not be looking at another man again. Ever. Well, except for Paulie and Gray. And Harry. But he didn’t count since he was her cat. Shaking her head at her musings, she waited until he got closer and said, “Hi, sorry you had to come out on a Friday night.”
He looked at the brunette standing in front of him. She wasn’t tall and she wasn’t short, she wasjust righthis mind said. “It’s not a problem. Where are you headed?”
“Looking for someplace new to settle,” she told him. He glanced at her car, a mid-sized SUV, and could see it was packed to the gills. Glancing closer at her, he could see the tell-tale signs of tears. Her eyes were swollen and puffy, yet he didn’t think he had ever seen anything more beautiful.
“Well, if you’re looking for a small town, Colbyville fits the bill, that’s for sure,” he told her as he began hooking up the car to the tow truck.
“Oh, wait! I have to get my cats.”
She ran back over to the car and got the carrier and her purse and phone out, as well as a small suitcase. “Is…is there a motel in town? I’m going to need someplace to stay while my car is being worked on.”
Making a decision without realizing he was doing so, he grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contact list. Within seconds, she could hear him speaking in rapid-fire Spanish to someone, occasionally saying “si” and nodding his head. He hung up the phone and looked at her, saying, “That was my mother. She has a garage apartment for rent and I can take you there now if you’d like.”
Stunned. She knew that was the look on her face because it’s what she felt inside. “Are…are you sure? I don’t want to put anyone out.”
“I’m sure. Is there anything you need to stop and get before we go?”
“Uh, yeah, I need a few things. I forgot cat food, how far until we stop? I can make a quick list.”
“There’s a Walmart just outside of town, maybe fifteen minutes away. Since you have the cats, I’ll drop you at the door and you can run in and grab what you need.”
“Mr. Álvarez…”
“Zeus,” he said, interrupting her. He still couldn’t figure out what the pull was toward her, it wasn’t as if he had never assisted a single female before. There was just something and he felt like she was going to be an important part of his life.
“Okay, then,Zeus,I don’t want to put you out. It is Friday after all and I’m sure your family won’t be thrilled that you’re out so late.”
“You’re not putting me out,” he told her. “There’s no family to rush home to, unless you count my dog, Duke, and the family compound that you’re about to become a part of.”
Family compound?“What do you mean?”
“My father’s family bought over two hundred acres years ago. As each of the children grew to adults, if they wanted to stay, they were given five acre lots. Most of my siblings and their families live on the property, as does my mother. It’s almost a mini-subdivision without the annoying neighbors. Well, except my cousin Carlos. He annoys me all the time.”
She laughed when he said that and he grinned at her as he marveled at the sound. “That sounds wonderful to me. My family isn’t that close. I mean, I talk to my parents, but I’m a bit of a black sheep in their eyes. If it weren’t for my aunt and uncle, Paulie’s parents, not sure I would have made it to adulthood.”
He looked at her and asked, “Why are you the black sheep?”
“Because, according to my mother, I’m too free-spirited. I’m a massage therapist and esthetician and the rest of my family are doctors and lawyers and shit.”
“My mother is going to love this,” he said.
“Her massage therapist just quit and she was about to pull her hair out.”
“What does your mother do?”
“She owns the local salon and spa in town. It offers all that stuff you women like, hair and nails and what-not, plus she added a massage therapist a year ago.”
“Sounds like I picked a perfect place to break down then, huh?”